Heartbreaking News

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Currently, shizue just arrived at the school. She is working as a teacher here, there's not a single students in this school who doesn't know about her

The kind teacher who helped everybody in their studies, that's who she was in front of the students eyes, although she can be a bit scary, they are all still love her

'it's time to go to class..'

Shizue mutter in her heart after looking at the time, she packed her bag and leave the teacher's office.

While walking through the hallways every students who saw her greet her politely, although this is just a normal day occurrence she still couldn't help but feel something was off

She decided to ignored it and went straight to her class

As she arrived, everybody seems to have a weird smile on their face

"Hm? Why are you guys smiling like that? Is there something on my face?"

She couldn't help but asked her students

But then, the class rep stand up


As he shout, the whole class stand up and sing the birthday song. But as if that's not enough, her fellow teachers entered the classroom while bringing in the cake

"Happy birthday to izawa-sensei~"

The teachers sing while gestured shizu to blow the candles

"Y-you guys..."

Shizue stuttered with her words, she thought that she will just celebrate her birthday alone like always, so this surprised really touched her hearts

"Sensei! It's thanks to you my grade got higher in the recent exam!"

"Um! My parents said they really grateful to you!"

""Thank you for all that you've done to us sensei!!""

Unknowing it to shizu, a tears suddenly fell on her cheeks. She already used to it, but this it's different, this is the tear of happiness

She couldn't bring herself to utter a single words as her tears began to falling more

"Sensei, i heard that your mother is in need of surgery?"

The principal appear and said as she handed a check to shizu, she of course try to reject it, but the principal next words make her speechless

"The teachers and students has collected the money for you, it may not be much but i hope this will ease your burden even a little"

"N-no....thank you, thank you...you guys just made my day...thank you so much"

In the end she has no choice but to accept it. She wouldn't forget this day for the rest of her life, she was really happy, her mother surgery won't be a problem for her after this


Evening, shizu has done with her work as she now is on her way back to her home, but before that, she need to go to somewhere else

"Nee-san has come!!"

"Shizu nee-san!! I miss you!"

"Hahaha, has you all have been a good child?"


This is the orphanage that she has been visiting for years, everytime after work of she has any spare time, she would come here and play with the kids

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