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Bliss Jackson|Boogie.

                   "WHAT does it mean to be Black in AmerKKKa?" The question was asked and written on the black chalkboard of the lecture hall

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"WHAT does it mean to be Black in AmerKKKa?" The question was asked and written on the black chalkboard of the lecture hall.

"What does it mean? What does it mean in politics? In schools? Walking down the street? Shopping in a store? Driving your car? Sleeping in your own home? What does it mean?" Professor Angelique Raymond asked, her kinky fro gracing the top of her head as she paced the room. "Keyana, yes."

"I just feel like... to be black in America is like walking around with a huge target on your back." Keyana offered her opinion. "I don't know-"

"You do know." Professor Raymond cut her off. "Try again."

"I mean, I just think we'll never be able to live in peace in America, because I don't think we're truly even welcomed." Keyana continued making some people nod in agreement but one boy smack his lips.

"Joshua do you want to add?" Professor Raymond questioned.

"I just feel like, excuse my language, that's bullshit. Black people have done so much in America, we had a damn black president. I feel like we need to stop trying to play the victim, shit we be killing each other. We need to stop blaming everybody else for our problems and look at what we do to fuck us up."

"You sound ignorant and dumb as hell." Bliss spoke up, he'd touched a nerve in her.

"For real." Ana agreed.

"America was built on the backs of slaves four hundred years ago, literally. We made America what it is and they don't even want to teach Black history in schools anymore." Bliss said. "They kill us, they bother us in our homes—our communities, they throw us in jail. All because of the color of our skin. They've made a billion dollar business off of locking us up in prisons, claiming its rehabilitation and then not allowing us to get jobs once we're free—because in the eyes of society we're felons and unable to be trusted. It's not playing the victim, it's being aware of what's happening in front of us and trying to do something about it. I'm tired of looking at the news and seeing another Black person shot in street—in their homes and for what? Mistaken identity? It's wrong and it's unfair and it needs to stop."

Silence fell over the lecture hall, people stared at Bliss, some impressed and others sad, realizing she was right.

"Very well said, Bliss." Professor Raymond said with a slight smile. "Anyone else?"


"Girl I'll fuck that boy so fast it'll make his head spin." Sasha, Bliss' older cousin, said shaking her head.

"It's been a long time yall been together, y'all still haven't had sex?" Bliss asked, that was new for Sasha. She loves to have sex and was always open to doing it.

"Girl he keep claiming he wanna get to know me more, like what."

"What more is it to know?" Bliss chuckled. "Y'all been together for like six months."

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