Review# 196

11 1 0

The lone star by: N_Metcalf14
Requested by: N_Metcalf14

First let's talk about the cover of the book. I liked the cover of the book and how there's a flag on it and how it fits in the theme of the story. I also like the font of the title as well.

Next is the summary of the book. The summary I also liked and found no problems with it. Thought it was a solid summary and got straight to the point without giving too much away and even had a quote at the end which was nice.

Next is the writing structure and grammatical errors. First let's talk about grammatical errors. I didn't see any grammatical errors in the first few chapters that I read which is good. Next is the writing structure. I liked the writing structure of the story and how lengthy the paragraphs were along with the dialogue. Think it didn't take away from the story whatsoever in my opinion.

Next is the pacing and plot of the story. I liked the pacing of the story. Felt it wasn't too rushed and paced out the story enough to know what was going on and what was happening. Same with the plot, I liked it and it also didn't feel too rushed as well.

Finally is the setting and characters. First let's talk about the setting. I enjoyed the setting and how well it was described. It really helped me picture the places and what was happening during scenes. Finally let's talk about characters. I found the characters quite alright and thought were done fairly nicely. Felt like they had a good depth to them and didn't feel rushed or boring in the least at all.

Overall, I think it's a good book and would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves reading books like it.

Thanks for letting me review your book.


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