Twenty one

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"Stop following me." Will mumbles.

"You see, I would if I could." I've been following him for the past five minutes to, what I assume, his bedroom. Theres a set of guards every few feet, watching and observing.

"You can go sleep in the horse stables."

"Would be better company than you." He stops dead in his tracts. I barely have time to stop myself from running into his back.

He turns around and smirks. He takes a big step towards me. Getting too close for my comfort, but I'm too stubborn to step back. "Would they be Arden?" He asks me.

His smirk is causing my stomach to swirl. I hated his smirk. With only one tip of his lip curled up, only one dimple showed. I try to hide my gulp, and nod. "They would."

"Really? Because from I remember, you quite liked my company."

The look he's giving my is making me nervous. We are playing a game of cat and mouse. We just aren't sure who is who yet. Right now, I'm feeling a lot like the mouse. He takes another step towards me, our shoes now touching.

"Am I wrong princess?" His voice is filled with so many things. Sarcasm, anger, amusement.

I lost.

I take a step back, and brush my hair behind my back.

He chuckles softly, turning back around. "Yea, you wouldn't have done it."

My cheeks flare red. Embarrassment, anger. Now those are the things I feel. He claims I wouldn't have stabbed that knife through his heart.

He was right, I wanted him to have a slow more painful death.

I storm at the cocky bastard and shove him straight into the wall. He pushes himself off, and looks back at me. I was expecting to see anger, but I didn't. Just amusement, and it pissed me more off.

   A grab the knife from my pocket with one hand, and his collar with my other. I push him roughly against the wall, bringing the knife to his chin.

   The guards go straight on alert, pulling out their guns and pointing them to my head. "Don't." He demands them as their prince. "Put your guns down." They have to listen. He looks back down at me. "Do it." He whispered. "If it's going to make you feel better about your pathetic self, do it."

   "I could." I wanted to. "Then I wouldn't have to marry you."

   "That is true." His smirk returns.

   "This is funny to you?" I ask scoffing.

   "You're a funny girl." I scoff again, taking the knife and pressing it further into his chin. I smile when I see the little line of blood. He rolls his eyes, "Woman." He corrects himself.

   I groan, taking the knife and putting it back into my pocket. I narrow my eyes when I see his smirk grow. "I'm not someone to fight someone who's at a disadvantage."

   "Disadvantage?" He raises his eyebrow.

   "You don't have your little gun anymore."

   "I might not have my little gun." He says putting an ephesus on little. "But I don't need it to win in a fight princess."

   I scoff laughing sarcastically, "You want a fight?"

   "Go for it princess." He turns his cheek in my direction. "I'll even let you have the first go."

   I stare at it. I examine his face. I haven't had this close of a look in a while. He has a freckle on this side, right above his sharp jawline. "You have such a punchable face."

   His jaw clenches amused. "Do I now?"

   I'm going to punch him. I've wanted to do this for the longest time. The opportunity is practically thrown at my face.

   My wrist clenches. I suck in my breath.

   This is going to feel so good.

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