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"is she gonna be ok?" derek worried

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"is she gonna be ok?" derek worried.

the doctor sighed. "honestly, i can't seem to find what's wrong with her or the baby. everything seems fine to me. maybe it was a stress thing? we'll find out more once she wakes up, but for now, let her rest. you two are free to stay in here for however long you need. you know how to find me and help yourselves to the cafeteria." they walked away.

isaac ran his hands over his face. "what the hell is happening to her, da- derek?"

he gave him a look but moved on. "i dunno, kiddo. um, go call deaton, ok? tell him what's going on and all of that, see if he has anything to say. and when i say what's going on, i mean everything. the crazy bitch, the kids, all of it. got it?"

"got it," he confirmed. he left the room to make the call.

derek sat, grabbing sillie's hand. "you better wake up and be ok, baby, or i swear..."


"she wouldn't want us going to a hospital," isaac muttered, playing with sillie's hair in the backseat as she laid on his lap, still unconscious. "she'd rather us go to a supernatural doctor than a human doctor, but she'd prefer no doctor over anything."

"i don't care." derek shook his head, speeding to get there quicker. "what she wants isn't as important as what she needs slash what's better for her." he pressed harder on the gas, zooming past cars. "we don't have supernatural doctors here anyway..."


"do you think it worked?" they asked, staring at the empty cup they had emptied by pouring the liquid in it into one of the plants in sillie's apartment. it was made just to hurt pregnant women or their baby, nothing more nothing less. supernatural or not. 

"robyn..." simon spun around in his chair. "i made it perfectly. of course it worked. now all we have to do is hack into the cameras of the complex and see if it's happened yet."

they nodded. "alright, yeah." they pushed their chair over to their computer. they started typing. "three... two... one. and i'm in. c'mere."

simon pushed so his chair moved next to theirs, watching the footage. robyn sped it up to the perfect time, the two seeing derek carrying sillie with isaac right on their tail, rushing out.

"perfect," they whispered.

simon smirked. "told you it worked. i'm a genius."

"don't get too cocky, dork." they pushed his head.

he rolled his eyes. "now, the plan's in motion. let's go, donnelly twins, let's go!"

robyn glared, tugging his ear. "si! shut up. don't get distracted here. this isn't for us, it's for paige. you're brains, i'm muscles. this isn't a fucking together thing. now go do what you need to. and be quick, i need to get to the hospital fast."

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