After you die

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Warnings: mentions of death, my inability to write angst

This can be either platonic or romantic, your choice. Except for Alma and Antonio because that's nasty.

-It's like losing Pedro all over again.
-But this time it's even worse, because the rest of her family is suffering, too.
-She can't stand the mention of your name, as the pain of it is unbearable.
-However, she understands how badly she messed up in the past, and lets her family grieve in their own ways.
-She avoids anything that reminds her of you for nearly a year.

-He ignores his own pain. What's important to him is comforting his family.
-He manages to control himself whenever he's around Pepa or his children, but when he's alone, that's when he cries.
-He doesn't let anyone forget you.

-Her food doesn't taste as good anymore, and she bakes with a blank look on her face.
-Her eyes are always red and puffy now. No one remembers the last time they saw her without any tears in her eyes.
-However, she doesn't shy away from the fact that you're gone. Whenever she sees something that reminds her of you, she smiles faintly and says, "They would have loved this."
-She leaves your favorite food on your grave from time to time.

-The rain didn't stop pouring for literal months after you passed.
-Not even Félix can make the rain stop, though it does lessen a bit when he hugs her
-She becomes irritable, snapping at her family members for the smallest things
-Sometimes, if she goes too far and yells, she'll falter as she sees the person she's become.
-"I'm sorry, it's just—I miss them so much."

-He hides in the walls for weeks, blocking the door to his hideout and refusing to see anyone.
-No one can convince him to come out or eat, so he becomes even sicklier. His skin becomes thinner and takes on a pallid, yellowed color.
-He completely forgets how to take care of himself.
-After months of this, he finally breaks down and asks the person nearest to him for a hug.
-He talks about you all the time, despite the pain it causes him, because he doesn't want you to be treated like he had been.

-He's crying all the time. He can't control it, because he really loved you and the idea of you being gone is devastating.
-He says all the time that he would take your place in a heartbeat if he could.
-You can often find him hugging one of him family members—especially the ones that ask for it.

-She quietly visits your favorite places, especially in nature.
-When she does, she closes her eyes and imagines you're there with her, pointing out all the things that you once loved.
-She'll talk to you, as well: About how her day went, how she saw something she knew you would enjoy, how she missed you.
-When she finally has to leave, she'll place your favorite flowers all over the scene.
-She goes around with said favorite flower in her hair in place of the orange plant she once had.

-She often sits with her hands over her ears with her eyes shut tight. No one knows why, and no one asks.
-When someone does ask, however, she'll reuse to explain it because it hurts so much.
-The truth is that she didn't hear what happened to you until it was too late to save you.
-In her mind, if her gift couldn't help you, then it was useless, and she wanted nothing to do with it anymore.
-Plugging her ears, drowning out the reality of the situation, is the only thing she can think of to get rid of it completely.

-She doesn't cry. She thinks she's forgotten how.
-She performs even harder tasks to distract herself, going around and asking people for work to do.
-Everyone is scared to approach or talk to her now. She acts like a machine, doing one unrequested chore, then moving on to the next without even pausing to catch her breath and with no change in her expression.
-When someone quietly suggests she tales a break, she insists that she can't. Taking a break means her mind will be free to think, and she won't be able to stop herself from thinking of you.
-She can't deal with the pain of it. The only time she gets any rest is when she unwittingly collapses from the strain.

-He adamantly refuses to admit that you're gone, getting distraught when people talk about you in the past tense.
-"Stop talking about them like that! As if they're gone. They're not. They're coming back—they are!"
-No one understands how he can be so deep in denial. That is, until Dolores walks into his room and catches him talking to his reflection—while looking like you.
-He looks over, his face going blank, before his face crumples and he begins crying.
-"Why aren't they back yet, Dolores?"

-She, like Bruno, hides herself in her room, but muffled crying can be heard from inside.
-She accepts the food that's put outside her door, but she breaks it off in little pieces, unable to eat it all at once.
-She doesn't smile anymore. The village kids who were once entertained by her try to talk to her, try to get her to at least not cry, but they're unsuccessful.
-She fully breaks down sobbing when she gets a hug from anyone, wishing desperately that it was you instead

-At first, he doesn't understand what happened. No one wanted to tell him in the beginning, as you were practically an older sibling to him.
-He still doesn't quite grasp the concept of death yet. He just knows that you left and you're never coming back.
-He sits quietly, petting his animals, telling them all about you in case they forget who you were.
-And they don't. As Antonio grows, they remind him about you, telling you things his family does not. It's almost as if you never left.

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