can't help but to be this way

470 43 24

Typing to his computer, tharn stopped to then turn his head to see type get up to then go about the desk to leave in a sullen manner.
Tharn raised his eye brow.
Shrugging, he then went back to work.
Standing to a line, type had his head hung, with his arms wrapped about himself to take in deep breaths has he awaited there lunch to grit his teeth here and there, what happened over a week ago plagued his mind.
Type then looked up has his name was called to go forth to grab the bag to then turn without much of an expression.
The woman behind the counter eyed him with a face to then sign.
Going outside, type let the door slip through his fingers to stand before it to keep his head down to dart his eyes over the pavement.
Sighing, he then turned his head to look down the way that would take him to work, to then roll his eyes to then go the other way where there was a near by Park, to then go to a table and chair to then sit to place the bag upon it to eye.
He gritted his teeth has he felt his phone start to go off in his pocket.
Shaking his head, he then opened the bag to then pull out the food to eat alone.
To the middle of the office, tharn hung his head to shake it after some time to then place his phone back to his ear with a Furrowed brow.
Type! Where the fuck are you!
Turning his head, tharn looked to the side to see type come in with his head hung with a bag.
Tharn then placed his phone to his pocket too then step to him in anger to then grab the bag, to throw to the desk to then stand in front of type to give him an angry glare.
"Where in the fuck have you've been!"
Type took in a long breathe to keep his head hung.
"They..... Messed up my order, just corrected yours."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"That is a very lame excuse for you to be here late and not picking up your phone."
Type flexed his jaw to then try to go around tharn.
He then moved his arm up to stop type.
Type then brought up his hands to his arm to then move it away to then go to the desk to then sit down to then start to do his work.
Tharn looked to type to breathe in heavily.
One of his ex's acted like that, and it pissed tharn off.
Going to type he then grabbed his pen to then bring up his hand to place to the back of his neck to then draw type closer. He kept his eyes down.
"We're going home. I do not like this behivor."
Type took in a breathe.
"We will lose the vino account."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"That will be on you, now won't it."
Tharn let him go to then turn.
"Come now type!"
Type signed to then get slowly up to then follow.
Getting to the car in silence, tharn pulled the key from the ignition to then turn to really stare at type.
"We're really going to go home because of your behivor?"
Type kept his head hung to look down.
"I'm not making you do anything."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"What is going on type?"
Type scoffed to then wrap his arms about.
"What do you care?"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn his head forward to shake his head a bit.
"I don't trust you yet type. We are not going to have that conversation until I do."
Type turned his head to look out the window.
"I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. I'm just my body and a....."
Type gritted his teeth.
Even though he wanted to ask about this kleto person, type kept his mouth shut. He didn't even know that much about this man.
Tharn then snapped his head to eye over type.
"How many times I've told you, that is not....."
Type then turned his head to look to tharn to dart his eyes over him.
"Then..... Talk to me!"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Ah..... Your threating me."
Type rolled his eyes to look forward.
"Your an idiot."
Tharns eyes narrowed to then place the keys back in to then start to the car to then go off.
"Have it your way, just know yourll have your babysitter tomorrow."
Type took in a deep breathe, he then gulped to then turn a bit to go close to tharn to then place a hand to his crotch to rub to go to his neck to kiss.
Act like your in the mood, then he won't start this.
Tharns eyes widened to then start to drive quicker.
Rather type was being like this, tharn knew better.
Moving his head back to eye over tharn, those theory type had gathered was not working.
Type signed and heavily to then move back to turn his head to look out the window.
"I hate you."
Tharn then smirked to drive has quickly has possible.
A bit later, type tensed to then curl his lips inward has he came once more, to then slowly open his eyes to look about to take in a deep breathe has he felt tharn start to thrust again.
"Let me go....."
Tharn who was hovering over him, with his mouth to his neck, hands wrapped to types wrists that were to either side of his head, shook his a bit.
"Your not going to walk tomorrow after his you have been acting my little bitch!"
Type signed to close his eyes.
"What have I've ever done to deserve you to treat me like you're personal whore?"
Tharn stopped thrusting to then move his head back a bit to dart his eyes over his neck to make a hard face to then start to thrust and harder.
He had one said the almost same thing to kleto at one point before they broke up.
"You are not that, you are so much more!"
Type slowly opened his eyes to then breathe heavily to move his head, tharn moved his up for them to dart there eyes over the other, tharn then took in a deep breathe to then shake his head a bit to crush his mouth to types, to build that wall up once more.
Type darted his eyes over tharns face to let this kiss happen, has he could feel in that kiss and this act, tharns pain.

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