m e s s a g e #6

66 10 8

Dear Muskan,

It's still kinda funny thinking about how we used to be best friends.
We were inseparable.
Like we were joined together.
I'd always be with you on the playground.
I still have that card you gave me, from years ago.

We drifted away from each other after a while, like all friends do.But then I went through one of my darkest times, and you opened a door for me, only to slam it right back in my face.

You made my life worse, right when I thought I needed you the most.I wish you could've just helped, and it seemed like you cared for me.But no, you talked about me behind my back.You found all my insecurities.

You made my mental health even worse, even though you knew I'd been bullied.I thought I could trust you.And despite all this, I still miss you.I wish I could just make you laugh one more time.

Now I don't even know who I am anymore.In the words of Anna, "We used to be best buddies, and now we're not"

I'll always miss you,

Your mentally ill ex best friend.

Dedicated from-

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