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She grabbed the note to read it and what was written caused her to shiver.

"How dare you sleeping and being cuddly with other guys?"

(Y/n) dropped the note. Kuroo and Kenma instantly noticed her behavior, so they responded and approached her right away. "Are you okay?" Kuroo asked. (Y/n) just nodded, spacing out.

Kenma picked up the note she dropped on the floor "How dare you sleeping and being cuddly with other guys?" he read. "What does this mean?" Kenma asked. 

"No one else knows about that, except the two of us" Kuroo explained. "The teddy bear! It's weird. Luckily, I threw it out yesterday"

  "And the fact that this also came from the same person who's sending you love letters" Kenma blurted out.

"I don't know, but I suddenly felt scared when I read that" (Y/n) trembled. Kuroo connected his fingers into hers and smiled, assuring that she was safe and being protected by him. "I'm sure everything will be fine, so don't worry too much about it" Kenma cheered.  

"Thank you"

During lunchtime, Kuroo and (Y/n) were in their classroom he was staring at (Y/n) while she was writing some notes.

 "Chibi-chan~" Kuroo called. "What?" (Y/n) spat. "Admiring my beauty again?" she added. Kuroo just hummed.

"I'm sure your future husband will take good care of you. What a lucky bastard!" he cursed. "It's not like I'm interested in marrying someone" she expressed. "Besides you"

"(L/n)-san! Someone is asking me to give this to you!" one of her classmates yelled, handing a note to her. When she touched it, her heart started to beat rapidly. "Do you want me to read that instead?" Kuroo offered. (Y/n) immediately handed over the paper.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm pretty sure that guy is trying to steal you from me. I promise to take you back from him and we will be together again"

"We have to do something about this. He might do something bad to you now that he is closer" Kuroo suggested. "What's your plan?"

He leaned closer to her ear and whispered something 

"Let's date"

"Are you out of your mind?!" (Y/n) yelled. "We'll just pretend until we catch him" Kuroo clarified. "And besides, It won't be easier for him to be drawing near you if he knows that you're in a relationship and always be me" he added. "Fine. Just don't go overboard"

"But I hope we are dating for real" he muttered. Kuroo received a kick from her instead. 


"WHAT? YOU TWO ARE DATING?" Yamamoto yelled. "Shut up. What if they are dating?" Yaku grunted while rubbing his ear. "You two look like a couple even you don't tell us" Kenma stated while still focused on his game.

"For real. These two keeps flirting nonstop" Lev called out.

"Huh?! That was just Kuroo" (Y/n) denied. "Why do keep denying? You're happy when he-" (Y/n) cut him off by serving the volleyball on his face. "Nice serve" Yaku said.

The Nekoma team was done practicing, and they just finished cleaning up the court. They were exiting the school together. They went to the convenience store to buy some snacks. 

Kuroo bought (Y/n) [flavor] ice cream. He also had one for himself. He also removed the packaging of it before handing it to her, "Here you go, my lady" "Thank you" (Y/n) started to lick the top of it. 

"Hey!" Kuroo called. (Y/n) took the glance at him while still eating the ice cream, she saw him tapping the corner of his lips. She assumes that they still doing the pretend couple thing in front of their teammates. She was too busy eating, so she didn't think about what Kuroo was actually saying.

She walk closer to him, tip-toed to reach his height, and kissed his lips. The whole team including Kuroo were speechless from her actions. However, when (Y/n) pulled out, Kuroo just licked the ice cream that was transferred to his lips and wiped the rest with his thumb to his mouth. 

"What a nice flavor" Kuroo grinned.

"Can we go home now?" (Y/n) asked. "Okay"

"We'll go ahead. See you!" they waved goodbye to the team, as they are both walking away.

As soon as they disappeared from their sight, (Y/n) started to smack Kuroo multiple times. "You fucking rooster! What are you planning on huh?!" she screamed. "What do you mean? I don't know why you suddenly did that I was just saying that you have ice cream on your mouth" 

(Y/n) suddenly stopped smacking him "Eh?" "Then why you didn't say it directly don't you have a fucking mouth?" she continued smacking him. "Sorry, I promise I will make it up to you"

Finally, she stopped. "Carry me then. I'm tired from walking" she demanded. "Right away" Kuroo knelt on the ground, indicating that she should ride on his back, which she did and Kuroo started to walk. "I'm gonna sleep okay?" 

"Sure. Rest well"

(A/n: I'm sorry my writing is being rushed and bad, I'm trying to remember what supposed the story would be because I forgot from a long break

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(A/n: I'm sorry my writing is being rushed and bad, I'm trying to remember what supposed the story would be because I forgot from a long break. I still hope you enjoy reading and keep commenting. Thank you very much!)

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