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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕

It was already lunch time and Sanzu couldn't focus on class as he kept thinking about that feeling and the girl who made him feel that.

Now Sanzu is walking going to the rooftop and eat his bought bento.

Taking the final step from the stairs Sanzu opens the door leading to the rooftop of the school. Sanzu looked around his surroundings and saw that there aren't that much people up here.

Sanzu spotted a bench and decided to sit there, he opened his bento took his chopsticks and breaks it into two then he starts eating.


After finishing his lunch, he put all of the used plastic utensils and container to a plastic bag and threw it on a near by trashcan.

It was still 12:45PM and classes will later start again at 1:20PM.

Sanzu decided to wander around and find something that can pipe his interests.

Sanzu is just walking around and saw some bunch of bushes in different designs

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Sanzu is just walking around and saw some bunch of bushes in different designs.

There is also a bush of red roses besides the bushes, and Sanzu walk towards it. Sanzu stared at it for 2 whole minutes then tried to pick one red rose.

Once Sanzu touches the stem he got pricked by the thorn of the red rose though Sanzu didn't flinch from the pain instead he just stared at his hand and stood up.

Sanzu's thumb and index finger began to bleed but it isn't that bad. Blood starts to fall through the ground but Sanzu isn't bothered by it.

"Oh my!! You're bleeding!!" A voice is suddenly heard by Sanzu.

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