76 | tokyo sports magazine

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the fourth arc begins in tokyo, japan as the olympic teams' arrivals are ongoing.

japan's women's basketball team was already settled in their previous hotel, having roomed in the same suites.

inside the conference room of the hotel, they were having a team meeting, led by the vice-captain, who was also the previous captain last year, mizuno kasai, and supervised by the current captain, ymari seinaru.

"inko-san said we're not required to be part of the welcome committee, so take the time you need to get over your jetlags." she said.

she then looked at the captain, who was just listening in. "seinaru-sama, do you have any more to add?"

seinaru scanned her team. everyone was here. the usual playful aura that the nippon team had has faded, they all looked serious.

she internally smirked.


they had to be, or they'll be murdered in this war we call the olympics.

"review your tapes, go over your charts- then do the same for the teams on our block." she instructed. "review their strengths, their weaknesses, and find ways to leverage your knowledge during the game."

she tapped the table. "meeting adjourned."

the girls stood up and bowed. "thank you for your time."

she waved a hand and they all got back up.

everyone left the conference room, but utsui stayed back.

she looked at seinaru, who she noticed was a bit too serious since she arrived, with curious eyes. "you good?"

the captain merely shrugged. "yeah."

she then stood up, glancing at her watch. it was half-past two in the afternoon. she has someone she needs to meet.

"i must go now." she walked past utsui and left the room.

utsui sighed, stuffing her hands into her gray joggers' pockets as she too, left the room and headed for her quarters.


remember the favor her aunt was asking from her?

the one about the photoshoot for the front cover of tokyo sports magazine for january's issue?

she thought about it, really. in fact, she gave her final word to her aunt last night that she refused.

but this morning, just when she arrived in tokyo, the aunt called her, in absolute peril, saying that nobody wanted to be on the cover- that she needed ymari on it otherwise the magazine might sue her.

jetlagged, sleepy, and not herself at six fifteen in the morning, the girl absentmindedly agreed.

she woke up at twelve noon, and it all came back to her- making her curse her sleepless self for letting her be fooled into submission.

she was now inside the building of the famous magazine company- tokyo sports magazine.

everyone was too busy that no one took notice of the tall girl in a black tank top tucked into a pair of black high-waist shorts, white stilettos, a white coat over her shoulders, and a white beret over her long black hair, who was walking towards the elevators.

"what floor am i meeting you on again?" ymari spoke into the phone as she passed by some employees.

her aunt chuckled on the other end of the call, "oh i must have forgotten to tell you.."

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