Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Grammatical error ☑️

Mew p.o.v

After i called Gulf yesterday, and talked to him from God knows how long we talked, but i am great I talked to him yesterday, until we've run out of things we can say, so after we have nothing to say or topic to talked to, we finally bid our goodbyes.

But i am also curious, why Gulf did not end my call after 5 minutes? because he always end my call after 5 minutes when he is no longer can't bare my annoyance. but it's also great that he didn't end the call immediately as i am having fun talking to him..

so after we bid goodbye trough the phone, i just lay down to my bed and stare at the ceiling..

and that's when i remember about her again, is she doing fine? Is she still with that Guy? i know i look pathetic to still think about her, but you can't blame me, She is my first love and i can't just let go of her and move on, it's not easy, even tho she betrayed me and cheat on me.. I can't just let her go! after all we dated almost 3 years.

tell me how can i move on that easily? When she is my first loved? when she is the reason why i believe in love?
she is the girl i love the most, and i also promise to my self that she is the only person i will love!

And to think that she is the reason why i become like a jerk and always play with other feelings. After the betrayal she did to me, i became like this..

But after Gulf came to my life? him declaring that we are Enemy and we can't stand each other? and now here we are having a fake relationship just to get what he want, and that is Money from his friends.

i know him, he always get what he want by hook or by crook! he is a spoiled brat. He also have a short temper, he likes to snapped and get annoyed easily in short he have a bad mood swings!

I can't still digest the thought of me agreeing to become his fake boyfriend because of the damn dare he make..

After i agree to him, i even regret it immediately, that i just want to take my words back, but seeing him that  day, smiling and jumping because of a simple Yes from me? that's enough reason to not take back my words..

and if you may ask me now? If i still regret being his fake boyfriend? i can't tell now the same things as i said before,  i didn't regret it at all not i am enjoying his company and i really felt happy when we are together..

I even stop flirting and making out with others, not because he threaten  to kill me or to punished me, but because I really just don't want to do it anymore, not when Gulf is with me..

Gulf is also a great company of mine, he always makes me smile and laugh even tho he is grumpy and have a mood just felt so right to be with him.

and after the kiss that happened in BrightWin apartment?, i really have a hard time to stop myself to kiss him again,  cause it's just felt so right  to kiss him and  damn! his lips is tasting like a strawberry with vanilla.

i just want to kiss him again and again, wooohh what am i thinking?  Don't be so pervert Mew at least not with Gulf!

I also noticed that, since that simple kiss and the talk we did, we become closer than usual.well i guess it just normal tho as we are having a fake relationship.  I really don't know when this fake relationship will end? it's not like i don't want to be with Gulf anymore, i mean he already get his money, so why he still not braking this fake relationship? and if he is thinking about his friends and what he will say about our sudden brake up? well there's a lot of excuse we can tell about them,right?

Yes i admit that, i am happy being with Gulf as i mentioned it before, but having a fake relationship and fooling our friends and also our self is not right!..

what if things will get out of hand? or what if something comes wrong?

I know, i have feelings with Gulf,but i don't know what  kind of feelings is that, and I don't want to admit it, not now when i am still stock in my past and not wanting to get out of that past and move on, as my past still holding me up and after all she is still in my heart and i still love her..

and also I don't want to throw my feelings and let go of my first love just to be with the person who is making my heart beat faster again with no reason and giving me the heart attack when he smile or laugh and that's giving me a tingling sensation inside me..

and i really don't want to make a decision that i will regret someday, untill I'm not ready to move on and let go of my past, then i will not gonna admit my feelings towards Gulf, this feeling will remain undiscovered!


To be honest, i don't really have a plot, i am basically just writing according to the flow at the moment.. i hope i won't disappoint you all with my writing skill, i know I'm not good at english but i am trying my best to write..i hope you will still support me until i finish this story😊

"IT'S ALL STARTED WITH A DARE"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن