onjo x f!reader

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not a request but something cute i wanted to write

royalty au
K/N: kingdom name
F/N: family name


you are a princess, so life must be sooo easy for you, right?

absolutely wrong

you were practically locked up 24/7, never allowed to do anything you actually want to do, you have to be all pretty and proper and blah blah blah

the only time you could be yourself was with your best friend (and technically, servant)

her name was onjo, she was the same age as you, and had been working in your kingdom since she was 11 years old

you could share your worries with her without her telling anyone, most of the servants were loyal to your parents and would tell them everything you said, but onjo never would

this morning you were awoken abruptly by a servant, alerting you of a special meeting

you rolled your eyes when they left, of course your parents had to do something so early in the morning on the weekend

you got dressed into your dress which was uncomfortably tight, putting on some light makeup and leaving your room, escorted by a butler to your parents

the doors opened to reveal your parents, and the king and queen of K/N, alongside their eldest son, lee su hyeok

"Y/n! finally, you're awake dear" your mother clapped with elegance

"yes mother, what is happening?" you tried to keep your voice as straight (no pun intended) as possible, with a smile on your face

"we have been discussing this for a few months now, but now would be the best time to announce...you will be getting married!" your face immediately drops

"im sorry, what?" you tried to laugh it off

"the lee's has always been kind to us, and now that their eldest son is ready to take over the throne, he must be betrothed, and you were the perfect candidate, the wedding will be next week" you swore you felt your heart drop to your ass

"we will be leaving you two here to get along, im sure it will go well" your mother smiled, standing up and leaving alongside your father, and suhyeok's parents

you stood there frozen, suhyeok sitting awkwardly at the table

"y/n-" you barely heard him talk as you quickly ran out, leaving him awkwardly scratching his head

you ran to onjo's spot in the castle, she would be normally be cleaning at this time

you spot her and breath a sigh of relief

"onjo!" she turned around surprised

"y/n? i thought you were in a meeting-" you interrupted her by engulfing her in a hug, with tears in your eyes

"what happened?! are you okay?"

"onjo" you sniffled

"what's wrong, y/n?" she holds your face in her hands

"they're... they're marrying me off..." she gasps

"they're actually doing it?!" she exclaimed

"you knew?!" you said in shock

"i accidentally overheard them talking, but i thought the prince rejected the idea?"

"he did? what did he say?"

"i couldn't hear them very well, but he said something like, shouldn't we able to decide our own wives or husbands?  time's changed, something something" she explained "i think its because there's a rumor he likes princess choi namra from the K/N"

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