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The growing pit in her stomach completely dropped. Y/n felt immediately sick like when you don't eat anything and then go for a run and are all shaky.

It's fine. You got this. It's all part of it. Why else would Tony Stark come down during a test? He's just trying to stress us out, it's fine. Keep it together Y/l/n.

Across from her, Y/n scoped out Peter. He had white knuckles grasping on his stylus. Back in the day when they were close, they used to be able to guess what each other were thinking by just an eye movement. In the moment, Peter cast her a glance that said holly shit, that Tony Stark! The only thing was that he didn't look like he was saying that--he wore a blank face. Y/n just knew.

But he was still working. Yeah Y/n, take notes.


No! Not literally, you dumbass! That's cheating!

"Ah, I see you've just started the test. I gotcha right in time," the litteral Iron Man strode to the front of the room where Miss. Potts was.

The woman smiled but she looked irritated underneath. She stood up and grabbed Tony's arm and whispered something to him. He rolled his eyes and said something back.

Driving her eyes to focus back on the test, Y/n started finishing the question she had already started. And then she started on the next. And the next. Each question seemed to use problem solving skills in a situation and then have a math equation or chemistry problem to solve to solve the original. It was kind of like a multipart word problem.

Like before, the random details, the small ones were the things you were looking for to solve it. Y/n was amazing at details mostly because she had trained herself to be like that. From a kid, she wanted to eather be like Iron Man or Black Widow--anyone of the Avengers really. She had forged herself to pay attention and learn skills so that maybe one day she could.

So it turned out pretty easy. Still, she had no idea if she was right but she trudged on. There were random number problems and some questions taken right out of an IQ test but it all seemed fairly even to do. That was what worried her. If it was easy, she was probably getting them wrong.

So she was stumped for some when she figured them out relatively quick. The girl knew she wasn't that smart.

"Alrighty," the pit in Y/n was now reinstated as Mr. Stark spoke with the clap of his hands. "I know everyone hates these but that's why I'm instituting it--your name and why you want to intern here, starting with you," he pointed to a boy at the the front on Y/n's left with glasses and a side sweeping haircut.

He tensed up but Y/n had to give him props for continuing on. "Jason Glamco, I want to intern here because it would set up my future for becoming a astrophysicist," he spoke tentatively and with a sort of nasal sound to his voice.

Mr. Stark nodded. People went on and on, stating their name and a reason for being there. Most people said it would help their future. Someone--it was Flash, said he wanted to work their because Tony Stark would be there. Terrible answer but he didn't seem to think that.

Another person said because she wanted to help people who need prostheses become mor efficient by creating new technology. Y/n definitely thought she should get a spot.

It was Peter's turn and he also spoke tentatively but came up with a fairly good answer. It could give him a chance to expand his horizons and maybe help some people with things he created.

Kid after kid spoke and eventually the line came down to Y/n. She had had quite a bit to think about her answer so she just hoped it was a good one.

The girl was shaky on the inside and her heart thrummed in her ears nearly drowning out her voice. She definitely had anxiety problems. Or maybe Tony Stark just had that effect on people.

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