66: The Man Was Kind Even If Rude And Has A Nasty Temper

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As always, read it carefully. I tried to make all changes consistent with what you are trying to say.
Shou Shan said his congratulations and goodbyes to the happy couple.

"Jiajia, we will be a family," Meng Yao murmured lovingly as he caressed Jia Yi's flat stomach.

"Yes," Jia Yi agreed with a rosy face and a brilliant smile.

Meng Yao hugged Jia Yi close but soon his happy expression grew dark. Learning about the tragedy of the past made him uneasy with this miracle in his life. He has wanted to stay in this world since he first woke up and with Jia Yi carrying his child his desire to stay was even stronger. He feared that learning the about the rest of his past and his parents’ past would threaten his place in this world but he was driven to know it all anyway. He instinctively knew that learning more from Xiao Si and accepting his heritage as Xiao Si and Huan’s child would be taking the harder road – but he couldn’t stop now.

He kissed Jia Yi passionately and then pulled Jia Yi's head to rest on his shoulder, stroking his hair in a soothing and protective manner.

"Jia Yi, I love you," he said solemnly.

"I love you.” Jia Yi’s immediate response was soft but serious. He lifted his head to stare Meng Yao in the eye, trying to convey what words alone could not.

"The path I take might lead you to regr-"

"No," Jia Yi cut him off calmly. "I will never regret, as long as we are together."
Meng Yao hugged him tighter and kissed Jia Yi’s forehead.

Shou Shan returned home with some snacks for Enlai.

He saw the she-man reading a book. He knocked on the doorframe and waited until Enlai looked up before entering the room. Enlai closed the book and placed it down on the table next to him.

"Hm?" Enlai murmured inquiringly.

Shou Shan looked and saw that it was a book about herbs and medicine.

"You are interested in medicine?" Shou Shan asked raising a brow.

"Yes," he admitted calmly

"I can make arrangements for you to attend a good school," Shou Shan offered.

"You accept a she-man learning medicine?" Enlai was surprised. His understanding of Shou Shan is that the man is conservative and a bit narrow-minded but now he’s being offered the chance to realize his greatest dream by that man.

Shou Shan’s brows drew together as he mulled over Enlai’s response. It was interesting because ever since Liang Huan and the Crown Prince, she-men were treated more fairly and allowed to make more of their own choices. For Enlai to ask such a question, it meant he wasn't really a beggar in the city. He could only be a country bumpkin or a foreigner.

He speculated foreigner since it was clear that Meng Yao was not from this country and Enlai knew him.

Enlai had always wanted to become a doctor but his father was very conservative and strict in his beliefs. Enlai was reprimanded whenever he tried learning herbs. His father always said it wasn’t proper she-man behavior and that being a doctor was a man's job.

His father’s criticism and rejection never stopped Enlai’s thirst for knowledge, though. He read all of his father’s books in secret. After his daddy had died from an incurable disease, Enlai wanted even more to learn everything he could about medicine. He had an unspoken hope that somehow he could make a difference, help cure others and even, maybe, find some cures for illnesses like the one that took his daddy from him.
Enlai was astonished that Shou Shan was offering him this once opportunity to realize his dreams.

"Why wouldn't a she-man be allowed?" Shou Shan asked Enlai seriously.

"But what about Xiaobo?"

"He'll understand,” Shou Shan assured Enlai, “but it would be nice if you would visit or write to u – him from time to time."

He wanted to say, “write to us” but he and Enlai weren’t close enough to expect Enlai to write to him personally.

Enlai found himself smiling. This man was a bit rude and had a nasty temper but he was also generously offering him such a wonderful opportunity. It seemed that he may have misjudged Shou Shan. He was truly kind even if he sometimes flew off the handle.

"Very well, I promise to write Xiaobo."

Shou Shan’s face flushed slightly with joy. This was the first time that Enlai didn't show him his cold side and seemed relaxed around him.

Ming Xiaobo poked his head through the door to the room and saw that for once the mood between his daddy and father wasn't hostile. The two men didn’t notice the little boy, who smiled and turned to walk away proudly. He was giving his daddy and father some time alone to bond.

"Should I get more medical books as well?" Shou Shan asked – eager to maintain this relaxed mood between them.

"You don't have to do so much," Enlai rejected instinctively. He didn’t like to be in debt to anyone.

"Don't worry. I’ll take it out your pay," Shou Shan lied.

Enlai felt relieved by this and relaxed. He looked at the snacks that Shou Shan had brought back.

"For me?"

"Yes, I separated Xiaobo's already."

He offered the cookies to him. Enlai selected one and took a bite, almost groaning at the delicious flavor. Ever since he had gotten sick, he had very little interest in food but having this treat suddenly lightened his mood and stimulated his appetite.

Shou Shan got up to leave. He felt he had made as much progress as he could reasonably expect for one encounter and a tactical retreat was in order.

"Enjoy your snack,” he told Enlai. “I'll just go spend some time with Xiaobo."

Enlai nodded, chewing on the cookie and looking a bit like a cute little animal.

Shou Shan’s heart fluttered at the sight and he quickly walked put the room before Enlai noticed his strange expression.
Edited by Relendria


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