March 10th- Day Ten

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Write about something for which you feel strongly.


Women should have all of their own rights and be respected just like men are. Women should have an equal amount of pay as men. We shouldn't be forced to do anything that we don't want to do. We should have the right to choose what we want to do with our bodies, our looks, our educations, etc, and not be shamed and/or judged for it. Back in ancient times, women ruled over men and were respected, looked up to and loved but men got jealous and decided they should be the ones to rule just because they would work with their hands & were stronger but that doesn't make them better than us just because "they work"! Because of men women have been abused, taken advantage of, ridiculed/shamed, and killed just for being a woman/girl. Women work & make livings too, they take care of kids, they clean and cook, they put up with all of a mans emotional/physical abuse, since the dawn if time the list goes on for how many job titles women take on but yet we are still considered less than a man.
Women are Gods, yet we are told as young children that the only way to be happy in life is to be with a man, a prince, to sweep us off our feet & take care of us for the rest of our lives and we will be happy with that when actually we don't need them, we never did. We CHOOSE to have a man in our lives whether for love or for pleasure, we are strong, we are independent, we are resilient, we are women.

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