Chapter 6

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Megan Taylor

I woke up pressed against a hard surface. A breathing surface. I look up to see Matt breathing steadily, face relaxed. I must've falling asleep last night.

I admire the way he looks so peaceful, the way his chest rises up and down as he takes long breaths, the way his eyelashes graze his under eyes perfectly. I admire him.

"Stop staring" A deep voice grumbled to me.

"No you're pretty" I say honestly as he opened his eyes looking back at me. He doesn't say anything, only wraps his arms around me tighter. I sigh, letting my body relax into his.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked, rubbing small circles on my back.

"You ask me that all the time"

"Because I care"

"You're my favourite person" I say sincerely to him, my head resting against his chest.

"You're my favourite person too"

"Cuddle time!!" Nick says barging into the room, jumping on top of us.

"Nick fuck off" Matt groans pushing Nick away.

"Hey bae" I pull Nick into a hug, Matt sitting up.

"We're filming a challenge video today, do you want to be in it?" He asked me.

I thought about the comments from last night. People seem to be mad I'm friends with the triplets. I'd rather not have to deal with them comments right now.

"No it's okay, I'll watch" I smiled at him. Matt looked at me concerned. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, he looked away.

Chris walked into the room grumbling about how it was late in the day and that we were still in bed. I grabbed one of Matt's hoodies and made my way into the bathroom.

I tie up my hair while I brush my teeth, thinking on what I'm going to do today. I decided to be lazy and just chill in Matts room.

The triplets were downstairs, I could hear them laughing. With a smile on my face I decided to call my best friend Katie.

"Hey" She picks up straight away.

"Hi, I miss you" I say, letting myself feel sad for the first time in a while.

"I miss you more, so tell me what it's like living in America" She said excitedly.

"I love it. I'm so glad I met the triplets when I did because if I didn't, I don't know what I'd be doing"

"They make you so happy Meg, I can see it"

"I'm so thankful for them"

"Where are they?" She asked.

"They're downstairs filming a video"

"Why aren't you in it?"

"They were streaming last night and some people were being rude to me. Saying I wasn't pretty enough for Matt. Even though we're not even together" I say frustrated finally getting it off my chest.

"Megan seriously, they are just jealous thirteen year olds. They're jealous of your relationship with all the boys, not even just Matt. You know your worth, I'm sure Matt thinks you're beautiful" She smirks.

"He called me beautiful last night, but I think it was out of pity"

"I don't even know him, but I know he wouldn't just say anything out of pity. Don't put yourself down like that" She says when she notices I'm getting upset. "I wish I was there to give you a hug"

"I wish you were here too" I say wiping the few stray tears that escaped my eyes.

"Anyways, how is everyone?" I asked her, wanting to move past this conversation.

She went into details about all my old friends and how they're getting on in college.

"How's Harry?" I ask her about my newly ex boyfriend.

"I haven't heard from him that much, have you not texted or got into contact with him?"

"No, you're the first person I've talked to since I moved, maybe I should've tried talking to everyone else" I said feeling bad.

"The phone goes both ways don't stress yourself about it"

As she finished her sentence I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, well more like three gorillas fighting to see who could get up faster.

"Megan, look at Matt" Nick screamed as him came in, dragging Matt along. Matt has whipped cream covering the entirety of his face.

"Why is that all over your face?" I laugh turning my phone around so Katie can see.

"Oh hi Megan's friend" Nick said excitedly, forgetting about Matt beside him. Nick took my phone off me and started talking to Katie.

"Chris, who did this to my poor babe Matt?" I asked, swiping a finger across Matt's face liking the whipped cream off.

"Me" He said proudly, copying me eating the whipped cream. Matt left to wash his face.

"Megan, Katie has to come visit soon" I hear Nick say.

"Yeah obviously" I reply.

"We're like best friends now" Katie's voice comes out from the phone.

"Replaced" Chris whispers to me. I flip him off.


"Who still says dork?" Chris bursts into laughter at me.


"You're so weird" I smile at him.

Matt walks back into the room, face clean. He sits beside me with a grumpy face.

"Nawhh why are you grumpy?" I ask stroking his cheek.

"I'm not"

"Matt say hi to Megan's friend Katie" Nick says shoving my phone into Matt's face.

"Hello Katie" He waves into my camera.

"Hey Matt, I've heard a lot about you" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"No she hasn't, go back to Nick" I say, shoving Nicks arm away.

We say goodbye to Katie as we head out to get food. I think about how I really want Katie to meet the triplets. Her and Nick got along very well, nearly better than Nick and I. I was definitely going to set up a trip for Katie to fly over.

We walked into the restaurant and ordered food. We sat and spoke about whatever random thoughts came to our heads. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I take a picture of Matt and decide to post it on my instagram story.



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