1| Ronnie

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There's a small bird fluttering it's delicate wings as the car speeds past. My eyes catch sight of it, a smile creeping to my lips before I sigh.

"How long?" I turn to my brother who's causally bopping his head to music. Rap music to be exact, he's always listening to it, swearing he's going to be a rapper someday. I lift my hand, waving it idly to catch his attention.

"Sorry," he lowers the volume of the radio. "What was that?"

"I said," I grit. "How long?"

"How long what?" He raises a brow and I roll my eyes before sinking into the seat more.

"Never mind." I mutter into my arm, closing my eyes and deciding this would be the perfect time to catch up on some sleep.

I can hear Taehyung lowly mumbling the lyrics to the song, making weird hand signs as he raps to the audience that doesn't exist. He so engrossed, body moving as if he were the one performing the damn song.

I'm annoyed.

"Goddammit," I huff before turning off the radio. He freezes, eyes frozen before he's turning to look at me as if I stole his last piece of candy like I did on Halloween when we were kids. I simply shrug before sinking back into the seat and closing my eyes.

"My car," he said. "My radio." Nonetheless he turns the music full blast, a smug smile on his lips and I groan before turning to him.

"When will we get there?" I yell over the music and he chuckles before lowering the volume.

"We're here!" He says with a teasing grin and I reach over, swatting the back of his head. He stares at me with wild eyes and I stick my tongue out at him before smiling, satisfied with myself.

He pulls up to a large gate, guarded by two tall and bulky men. My eyes scan over the place, amazed by the fresh greenery and lack of neighbors. It looks like the entrance of a castle.

"I thought we were going to your friends house?" I ask, still gawking.

"We are," Taehyung simply chirps before pulling up the small window and poking his head out. The guard peers down at you from over Taehyung's shoulder, swiftly nodding before pressing a button and the large gates drag open.

Whoah. There's a long drive way that leads to a smaller trail, nothing but wildlife and trees all over. My eyes don't stop looking, finding one thing and then another to be amazed at. Taehyung grins at my wide eyes and parted lips, but I ignore him and continue my astonishment.

We drive into a loop way that connects around. Once we park I finally get to see the enormous house that stretches farther than my brother's hairline. Taehyung gets out first and I slowly open the door, easing myself out while my eyes stay glued on the fortress.

"Your friend lives here?" I say in a high squeaky voice and Taehyung nods.

"Yup." He says before gesturing for me to follow. I gulp as I  take steady steps behind him, eyes still in shock at what I was seeing.

"Is he rich?" I asked.

"You could say that." He simply says and I stand flabbergasted.

"What does he do?" I raise a brow and he sighs before turning to me with a look. Not just any look, the look. The look that told me to mind my business and let him do all of the talking.

I pursed my lips.

As we make our way up to the entrance, two large glass doors are being opened. I freeze, seeing a figure in the door way with a wide smile, outstretching his arms out to Taehyung.

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