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When Lilah got back to the Salvatore School, she decided to take a walk by herself. She ended up in the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library, looking through books and seeing the plaque with Stefan's name. She put her hand on it, her finger tips feeling the wood go in with the engraving. There were a few students in there still, including that Arianelle girl she had drove in with, sitting with one of the wolves, Jed. She had yet to speak to him, but he had been pointed out to her.

"Hey Stef," she said softly. "My world's a little crazy right now, especially with the whole memory loss stuff and memory adding stuff. I've never been compelled to forget something before, but I wonder if this is how that feels. If this is how you felt. And I'm sorry."

She looked around, really taking in her surroundings for what felt like the first time since she had gotten there. She arrived as a New Orleans vampire, a New Orleans bartender, and now, she was the missing Mystic Falls student. Now, she was the missing piece to some Malivore issue. Now, she was starting to get attached to people and things here.

"And I could really use your advice," she said softly. "We were wild and free once, Stefan. And now I'm just wild, and you're truly free."

When she got into Roman's car to embark on a trip to uncover hidden memories, this wasn't what she was expecting. She didn't think she would find the girl from the photos, or that she had been "the girl from the photos" for all these students for so long. She wouldn't have expected to be dealing with a Malivore pit, and she sure as hell never imagined being back in Stefan Salvatore's house, minus the Stefan Salvatore, plus a Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library.

"You look good," she heard, and she turned around. No one was there speaking to her.

She turned back to the plaque, her heart rate increasing as she recognized the voice. She blinked rapidly, her eyebrows scrunching together as she tried to hold onto that voice.

"Not a day over a thousand."

"And you look exactly how I left you." Wait, that was her voice she was hearing. She shut her eyes, trying to envision the scene. "Dreams really do dig up the past sometimes, don't they?"

"This isn't a dream, Lilah," he said, shaking his head.

Stefan, the person talking was Stefan. The background was hazy, but she saw his face. She reached out in real life, grabbing onto the plaque to steady herself when she felt her knees getting weak.

"I came to New Orleans once, when Hope was still a baby, and I went on a little trip with Hayley. I think that if you were around then, I might've fallen in love with you all over again."

"When Hope was a baby?" she whispered to herself. "How long have I known that girl? Stefan knew Hayley?"

You were my first epic love, Stefan. I could've danced with you in this speakeasy for eternity."

Lilah smiled at that comment, because it was true. Neither of them had their humanities on at the time, but there was something blissful about being together. To be able to have an epic love at a time when emotions were supposed to be off. When nothing but hatred and void should have been filling her mind.

"I can do this forever," he said. "I'm dead. You? You lose time being here, you don't get to go back until I'm positive I've finished my job here."

"I'm not losing any time. I'm a vampire, I live forever."

"Time hasn't stopped for that wolf you're fond on, the one you like talking to. What's his name? Rafael?"

Lilah opened her eyes at the mention of the wolf. The conversation with Stefan felt so real, but he was dead. When could she have possibly spoken to him, especially about Rafael Waithe? And out of the people she's spoken to so far, why was the wolf apart of her few triggers?

CONSEQUENCES [ 3 ] | THE ORIGINALS & LEGACIESWhere stories live. Discover now