maybe making a friend

446 41 27

Waking to his side, type darted his eyes over the wall to take in a deep breathe, to then go to his back to Streach his arms up to then slowly move up to his forarms to look down with a grimace.
His babysitter was there to stand before the bed with his arms wrapped with quite the face.
"Good morning....."
Duma took in a deep inhale.
"Good morning sir, are you to be hungry?"
Type shrugged to then flop to his back to have his hands to either side of his head.
"You really don't have to be here."
"I must be."
Even though it pissed off my lover.
Type signed.
"A heavy loaded omelette please."
Duma nodded to then turn to make just that.
Type rolled his eyes to then get up to place a hand to the blanket that covered his lower to then take it away to then eye down to his dick a bit confused.
Placing his hand to the piece of paper that was attached, he winced has he had to take it away to then eye it to make a face to then crumple the paper to throw to the side.
God! I'm not going to fucking touch him or vise versa!
Type then got out of bed to then go to the bathroom, to relieve himself to wash his hands to then leave to go about to then head towards the dresser to place on some clothes to go to the kitchen to sit to the dining room table to place his hand to his chin to look down.
The way you are..... Who did that to you tharn? Why do you do it to me?
Type darted his eyes has he thought.
Duma then came around to then place the plate full of food before his head to then take a few steps back to then look forward.
Type turned his head to eye.
"You know..... You can sit and eat."
Duma shook his head.
"I am fine here, I also ate before. Thank you sir."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look down.
"I really wish to be alone."
Duma then peered his eyes to type.
"Unfortunately, that can not be obtained until the master comes home."
Type growled to then pick up his fork to start in on his food.
"This is beyond ridiculous."
Duma shrugged.
"I am sorry for the inconvenience."
Types chewed slowly to then turn his head to eye duma.
"How long have you've known and worked for your employer?"
"A couple of years."
"Have.... You've watched over a lot of men like me?"
Duma shook his head.
"No, I was employed by his father to watch over him a few times."
Type darted his eyes over duma.
"Could he ever make you leave?"
Duma slightly smiled to then look to type to shake his head.
"No one can. Unless you are the employer."
"Even if I could pay you more then him?"
"Money does not matter. I am a very loyal employee."
Type signed to then turn his head to look down.
"I understand that. Just..... At my age, to be looked after like this..... It's...."
"Trust me I know, I've had to look over 60 year olds."
Type turned his head back to duma to widened his eyes.
"There children wanted to keep them safe."
Type nodded.
"So...... Your dating a man has well?"
Duma took in a deep breathe to then look forward.
"That is my personal business."
Type then leaned back in his chair to cross his arms.
"How did it start?"
Duma signed.
"I am not going to talk about this."
"Did you?"
Duma gritted his teeth.
"Did he?"
Duma then turned his head to fully eye type.
"Why are you asking me these questions?"
Type made a face to then turn his head to then hang it to look down.
"I.... Used to be straight, then you're employer pulled me into this."
Duma raised an eye brow. He then slowly went to type to stand to the side of him with a serious face.
"May I ask you a question?"
Type looked to duma once more.
"Did..... My employer.....rape you? Are you here against your will?"
Type widened his eyes a bit to then turn his head slowly to then hang it to dart his eyes over his half finished food.
"Did he?"
Duma started to grow in concern.
Type took in a deep breathe .
"At first..... Yes but...... I'm here willingly.... To a point."
"To a point?"
Type looked back to duma.
"Your employer is a hard man to get close to..... Emotional wise."
Duma nodded his head.
"There are things that happened to his past that made him that way. But if you ever feel your are here against your will please let he know."
Type raised an eye brow.
"What would you do then?"
Duma shrugged.
Type then moved in a bit closer, duma moved a bit back.
"So.... I've answered your questions, can you answer mine?"
Duma signed.
"That really is my own personal business."
"We're either of you straight before you got into your current relationship?"
Dumas heart started to pound in his chest to then turn his head to peer his eyes to the floor.
Type raised an eye brow.
"Can you please tell me?"
Duma then peered his eyes to type.
"Why does it matter?"
"I've heard you born gay, and you can't be turned."
Duma wrapped his arms about himself.
"That is true, however there are other sexualities out there. And sometimes yes a person can start out straight to then end up gay."
Type nodded.
"Is that what happened to you?"
Duma signed, the two then turned there heads to hear and see tharn come in, to see him stop to eye them and there closeness to then start again towards them.
Duma eyed that to then step back.
Tharn then went straight to type to give him a hard look, type eyed that to roll his eyes to then look back down to his meal.
"What are you doing back so soon?"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"You are dismissed, go away!"
Duma nodded to then turn to leave, type took in a deep inhale.
"You really shouldn't be behaving like....oow!"
Tharn stepped forward to then place his hand to types head to pull it back a bit.
"What in the hell were you two doing!?"
Type rolled his eyes to then look up at tharn.
"Just talking!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to make type go back to then place him over his shoulder to take him to the bedroom.
Going to his car, duma started it to then go home, to which he was joking tyro was going to be there, to then make a face to start to remember his semi similar position to his relationship he was in now.

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