Godspeed, Dianxian. (CLO)

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Title: Godspeed, Dianxian

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Title: Godspeed, Dianxian.

Author: 滨 Bin ( CocurricularActs )

Genre: Romance, a bit of Thriller (later on in the story)

Chapters Reviewed: Chapter 1 - Chapter 3

𝖗 𝖊 𝖛 𝖎 𝖊 𝖜 𝖊 𝖗  :  thecloudedpages

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I. Title: Godspeed, Dianxian.

Love the title! This is a super unique title and I think it really gets me intrigued to see the story behind it. I wonder if this specific title means something grander in the story. That is what my head says while reading this.

II. Cover

Very calm, but at the same time, it is chilling. What I like is that it is simple and such an aesthetic.

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