How you met.

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You have always been unwanted by your parents, they never cared and never tried to protect you. You're blood always boiled when they would bring up the fact that your old partner R4p3d you and sexually assaulted you. They would make fun of you. One day tho, you had enough. You grabbed a knife and hid it under your shirt.

You went upstairs to go do something when all of the sudden your parents called you. You rolled your eyes and responded with "YES?!" They told you to get your lazy ass on the couch. They started to talk about selling YOUR body to old men for money. They said "It's for your own good, you'll finally be able to pay of university and college". Knowing that they were lying, since your grandma recently passed away and gave you all her savings to use for college and university, so you were all set.  You knew they just wanted extra money to get drugs because they always did this, they lied their way out of things. You yelled out "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU GUYS DONT EVEN TAKE CARE OF ME, YOU USE ME LIKE YOUR PERSONAL MAID, AND NOW YOU EXPECT ME TO SELL MY BODY FOR YOUR DRUGS?! I AM NOT GOING TO OFFER MY BODY FOR THAT, HOW ABOUT YOU GUYS START BEING GOOD PARENTS AND WORK FOR YOUR MONEY YOURSELF!"

You instantly regret what you said. Your dad got up from his seat, and speed walked towards you. You started to run away from him, you remembered you had a knife. You yanked it from underneath your shirt in a hurry causing you to scrape some skin. You hissed in pain and turned around, as you stopped running away from him. You ran towards him jumping of him with the knife facing him. He fell to the ground as you stabbed him in the chest.

He said "You're gonna regret this you little bitch..." You pulled the knife out making blood squirted all over your face. You tried to hold him down as he was trying to get you off. "YOU CRAZY BITCH GET OFF!" He yelled choking on his blood. You gripped the knife tighter. As soon as he stopped fighting because of the amount of blood loss,you started stabbing him repeatedly out of anger. Blood started coming out of his mouth. All of the sudden you remembered about your mom. You looked up to see her calling the cops. She was in tears, she turned to look at you. You made eye contact and then you started to run towards her. You snatched the phone from her and thankfully, you looked at it and saw that there was no service or internet.

You didn't think much of it as you were thankful. You threw your moms phone across the room. She started to back away pleading for you to stop. You laughed and said "..That's funny you never stopped whenever I asked you too...who do you think you are telling me what to do, you made my life a living hell you bitch."

You then stabbed her repeatedly until she stopped screaming. You had blood all over yourself. You looked down to see your mom. Her face was covered from her blood. She had multiple stabs around her body, you pulled up her shirt to see her stomachs and grabbed your knife. You carved "Horrible mom" on her. You then went up to her face and started to carve out her eyes. You craved out her stomach letting the intestines leak out. You the skin and put it over her face. You grabbed her eyes, shoving them in between her intestines and grabbed the skin putting in where it used to be.

You got up and walked towards your dad. He was near the stair case. You looked him up and down. He was the one with the most stabs. You pulled up your dads shirt and did the same with him, but instead you carved "Horrible dad." You went upstairs to go your bathroom. You took your clothes off in there and washed your face. there was blood all over your clothes and hands.  As you finished you went downstairs to put clothes in the fireplace.

You were naked, since you didn't wanna get any blood on your new pair off clothes so you chose to get it after you showered, after all ur parents were dead and couldn't see you. You went down stairs to the fire place and put your bloody clothes in it. You started a fire in it. You grabbed your mom and put her next to the fireplace since she was the closest.

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