| Chapter 120: Celebration |

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"Mom is here! Mom is here!" Andrew singsong as he was staring out the window waiting for your black Mercedes car. Andrew watches as you walked out of the car before walking up to the cabin in a cool manner. Then he went to the living room where everyone was

Opening the door, you throwed your keys on the counter as it respectively fell to the other car keys compartment that you installed.

"I'm home!" You yelled for your brother as you walked up to the living room then—

"CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" They all yelled at the same time as confetti fell again, scattering around the floor creating it to be messy. Instead of being mad like hours ago at them for coming late in your office to surprise you. You let out a big smile.

Harry runned to you, lifting you up as you laughed.

"You did it! Your dream came true! I am so proud of you. This is all you ever wanted and you achieve it—" You pulled Harry in a hug to stop him from rumbling.

"The bestfriend needs a hug too!" Ron yelled

"Yeah! I need a hug!" Daphne yelled making Ron scoff

"I was talking about me" Ron said glaring at the blonde girl.

"I am the bestfriend—"

"I think the boyfriend deserve a hug" Draco said pushing through Ron and Daphne as he runned to you. Harry lets go of you as he watches Draco lift you up, spinning you around as you giggled. He brought you down, his face hovering over yours as he claimed your lips. Its been a long time since the two of you shared a kiss since you were always busy and cope up in the company. You rarely came home.

"I'm so proud of you, darling.." Draco whispered making you smile as he was about to connect your lips together again when—

"Now, the bestfriends" Ron scoffed pushing Draco as he hugged you and Daphne joined in. Which made Draco scowl at the two for them.

"The favorites are coming through!" Fred and George pushed Ron and Daphne hugging you. Everyone walked forward and gave you a hug, congratulating you on being cool and now being the new CEO and Owner of Stark Industries. Its a bummer that your Dad wasn't here to celebrate with all of you but no one knew he was alive except for you

About your Dad, you didn't know why but he has been so busy. When you went to his hotel to check up on him, he would be gone and a letter would be there saying that he would be gone for days and that worried you. You didn't see him other then his hologram every time you called him but he would end the call too soon, like he was busy with something and you didn't why or with what but he was a grown adult so you let your Dad be. You just hope it wasn't with anything stupid.

"Come on! Lets eat" Molly said happily as she guided everyone to the dining room to eat. You were left behind as you looked to the side to Draco leaning on the wall. You chuckled walking up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. Resting your chin on his chest, looking up to him as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Jealousy isn't really a good look on you, Dray" You say, giggling.

"About your birthday present" Draco smirked, hands resting on your cheek as he lean in to kiss you. You were also leaning in.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Shattering of glass can be heard and Ron running into the bathroom with the door slamming. Draco paused from kissing you looking to the side in irritation.



"We should take his advice" Draco said making you laugh as he grabbed your hand and the two of you running and apparating away from the Stark Cabin. Sirius leaning on the wall staring at where you and Draco disappeared. Remus looked at him with a raise brow.

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