PART 48"meet Ken"

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I turned the door knob and opened the door.When I got inside I found somebody that I never thought I will ever lay my eyes on for as long as I shall live.



"I don't think that you will have to stay here for longer than a week but we'll just keep you here for observation and since you didn't know about your pregnancy then we should be able to-....."

I zoned out on what the doctor was saying and I cannot think of anything else other than the fact that I am pregnant.

I've been awake for about half of an hour and I wish I knew that when I woke up my life will change.

The first thing I was told by the doctor is that I am pregnant.Obviously that shocked the world out of me for obvious reasons and On top of that I just found out I am a second chance mate of Ryder.

I am not as mad as I was when I first found out about this.I guess the pregnancy just shadowed the news.But that doesn't mean that everything is forgiven or forgotten.

"Is that okay with you?"

"Huh"I said as I looked at the doctor for the first time since he came here.I don't know if it's the fact that I am mad at Ryder that I think the doctor kind of look like him.His eyes are blue but not the kind of blue like Ryder's.

"You were not listening were you?"he asked as he chuckled.

What's funny.

"Well I woke up this morning thinking that this is going to be a normal day but no ,do you want me to tell you what happened?..okay so I just found out that I am pregnant and I am too young to even have a baby so sorry if I was not listening"after I said that he just laughed harder.

"Do you want me to call your husband for you?"he asked and I looked at him confused.


"My what?"

"Your husband"and then the door opened revealing Ryder.

The moment that he entered the room his eyes immediately stared at the doctor.Ryder's whole body tensed up and the doctor dropped his pen.

They looked at each other like they knew each other.I can see from how Ryder is that they must know each other from somewhere.

"Ryder"the doctor whispered enough for me to hear.

"Kennedy"Ryder said.

After that they just continued to look at each other until I cleared my throat and Ryder's eyes fell on mine.

I looked at him with a look of so many things going in my mind.But even though alot of things are going through my mind and I got alot to say and ask him I just don't think I am ready for us to have a conversation yet.

"I want to sleep so if all of you can just go please"I whispered while looking elsewhere than at him.

The doctor seem to be back on his senses from whatever that was going on with him and he just started walking to where Ryder was standing.He stood in front of Ryder for a sec before getting out in a rush leaving me with Ryder.

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