Chapter 10

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-  Araceli looked back and fourth between the siblings staring each-other, a conflicting pressure floated in the air

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  Araceli looked back and fourth between the siblings staring each-other, a conflicting pressure floated in the air.

"As an empath, I can sense a very negative vibes. I should get go-" Cecilia frantically waved her hands at her cousin. "No, no! We are just upset because.... uhhh."

"Ceci forgot to clean her dishes yesterday." Marco covered up the real reason as his sister laughed.

"Yeah... anyways, Araceli.. why did you leave Casa?" Cecilia asked her older cousin, "Well.. I was never able to control my powers so mi mama took me on a hike but I got lost."

Her face turned into a frown, "I wasn't able to find my way back home until recently.. I hopped to nearby villages for shelter because something was off with the border around our Paraíso."

  Marco looked at her in awe as Cecilia felt a tear trickle down her face. "Our Paraíso is gone. A hurricane hit."
Marco explained what happened as Araceli looked between the two siblings who had fear written on their faces.

"No.." She covered her mouth as tears welted in her eyes as reality kicked in. "What about Rico?"

The siblings raised an eyebrow,
  "How did you know about Rico?" Marco questioned as a gust of wind swung the front door wide open.

"Vi Vi, they brought me a newspaper from our town about my little brother's birth. I doubt he knew about me though." She shrugged her shoulders while wiping her tears as the wind personified itself to form a young child with braided hair.

"I'm sorry Araceli."

Marco handed Cecilia and Araceli a large box of tissues to clean their faces as a knock was heard from the front door.

"Coming!" Cecilia shouted fixing her hair and face as she opened the door revealing two Luisas.

  Cecilia looked back and fourth between the two as her face became enlightened by the heat rushing to her cheeks.

    One of the Luisa's laughed as she quickly transformed into Camilo.
"Sorry! Sorry I had to!!" He said as he wheezed. "I thought you were gonna keep it a secret!"

Luisa raised an eyebrow at her cousin and girlfriends weird behavior.



Luisa and Cecilia said in unison before awkwardly laughing as Araceli stepped from behind her cousin.

"Hey! I'm Araceli," She confidently leaned against the door frame and waved at Luisa before winking at her. "Luisa Madrigal." She replied with a nod.

Araceli wrapped herself around Luisa holding onto her arms before going to the sofa in the living room.

Cecilia's heart sunk at the sight of her cousin with her partner. Araceli was thinner, her features more defined.

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