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I feel a stick-like object, so I pull it out of the bag. I pull out a mini sparkler. 

"Who the hell is this supposed to be?" I ask Tony, who was smirking menacingly. 

"Pointbreak, of course." He answers. My eyes widen a bit then go back to normal. 

"Oh, I have been chosen to go in the closet with fair last, Y/n," Thor says standing up quickly. 

"Yep, Pointbreak, Fireball, follow me," Tony says. I huff and throw the sparkler on the ground.

Tony pushes us into the closet and locks the door. 

"Did I do something wrong, Lady Y/n?" Thor asks sounding like a puppy. 

"Why would you think that?" I ask confused. 

"You were upset about being in here with me," Thor pouted. 

"Awe, Thor, it wasn't you I was mad at, I'm annoyed at Tony for locking me in the closet with my crush," I say mumbling the last part. Thor's eyes brighten up.

"So what shall we do in this closet?" Thor asked. 

"I don't know what do you wanna do?" I ask blushing as dirty thoughts cross my mind. 

"What are we supposed to do?" Thor asks. 

"Uh, well, usually people kiss and stuff, but if you don't wanna do that then we can just talk," I answer. 

"Would you like to kiss?" Thor asks. I blush and start to stutter. 

"Uh, well, I, uh, only if you want to," I manage to stutter out.

"Okay then," Thor says before pulling me close and kissing me gently. I blush at the sudden movements. Thor places his big hand on my cheek, increasing the passion behind his kiss. Unsure what to do, I leave my hands by my side and try not to panic. 

"I really enjoy your presence Lady Y/n," Thor whispers after pulling away. 

"I enjoy you too, Thor," I answer. 

"Lady, Y/n, I wish to take you on what Tony called a date," Thor says. I nearly choke in surprise 

"Okay, that'd be okay with me," I squeak out. He smiles his goofy puppy smile and holds my cheek.

"May I kiss you again?" He asks politely. 

"Of course Thor," I say. He puts his lips on mine gently, and this time I comb his short hair with my hands. He slowly slips his tongue through my lips. I almost moaned at the action.

He slowly walks us backward, causing me to push against the wall. He lowers his hands to my hips where he holds them against the wall tightly. I let a small moan when he pushed his body into mine slightly. He smirked into the kiss and let his hands gently slide up my waist. We continue to make out until we're interrupted by Tony bursting in. 

"Pointbreak and Fireball who would've thought," Tony said as we separated from each other. I flipped him off once again, rolling my eyes at him.

Thor smiled proudly as we walked out of the closet hand in hand. Everyone oohed and awed when they saw our hands. I blushed as Thor kissed my cheek and then went over to his brother. I took my seat next to Natasha and she nudged me teasingly, causing me to roll my eyes fondly. Thor pushes Loki forward, forcing him to pick a trinket. Tony's jaw dropped when he saw the God holding up a stack of 100-dollar bills. I stand up with a smirk.

"Tin Can, Reindeer Games, into the closet," I say mocking Tony. He rolled his eyes at me and tried to protest, while Loki just sighed and walked in willingly. I push Tony into the closet violently, sending him crashing into the God. I locked the door behind him and started the timer, I guess this game is gonna be fun after all.

Edited 2/15/23

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