Chapter 70

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Oh boy. 


Bet you weren't expecting me!

Guess who's back! What a dozy, let me tell you now! But, i'm truly glad to be back to writing this fic, its been too long; work just piled up and up and my inspiration well ran dry, but I AM HERE!! And I am back at this writing!

Anyways, how have you all been? I haven't been fully active in a while, and I want to know how y'all are doing? 

These past few years have been truly awful, Covid hit, then Lockdown then getting a job and getting use to doing that, and now a war; god, what has the world come to? I wish everyone in Ukraine the best, though I was I could do more, I'm but one writing on Wattpad, nothing more.

Enough doom and gloom! The song above is Surface Pressure from Encanto! Absolutely love that movie! It's a blast!

Izuku internally flinched at the tone Shouto used; it was so very tired and filled with emotion that it was so unlike Shouto.

With slow, dragged steps, Izuku entered Shouto's room; smiling slightly at the Japanese styled room until it fell at the state of the room. It was in disrepair, small burns on the floor, the floors ripped, in clear anger and pain and the window was chipped. Izuku covered his mouth and asked;

"What happened Sho?"

With a heavy frown, Shouto answers, almost bitterly.

"You left." Izuku does flinch this time, his entire body jerking back, his voice in disbelief.

"I wasn't gone for long right?" Shouto's hand clenched.

"You were here, physically , but emotionally and mentally, you weren't; it was like looking at a doll following commands for ages." Izuku blinks.

...What...? Shouto looks at Izuku and explains.

"All I, We, ever saw of you for months was you coming in and out of the dorms, eating and drinking alone. Separate from us. We haven't spoken together privately in weeks." Izuku pauses, listening as Shouto mutters.

"It was like you'd died and all we could see was a spirit of you wandering."

It had been awhile since he just stopped. Since he took a break. Since he'd spoken to someone. Slumping, Izuku says weakly.

"Oh my God..."

He'd blocked everyone out of his life; the pain that his mind brought him at the images of his friends, his family, dead at the hands of All for One was beyond that of any physical pain he'd ever felt. And, by blocking them out, he hurt them so much more than All for One ever could.

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