Chapter One

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Soleen Roy

  Soleen sat in front of the press annoyed. One thing about being successful, everyone was going to be in your business. She understood though, she's opened over fifty sex shops around Korea since she's started her business six years ago.

She decided to do this press conference since she was named Koreas finest. Which was a popular magazine, they did a photo shoot and all.

"Ms.Roy, you've been named Koreas Finest, how do you feel about that?"

Soleen pulled the microphone closer before speaking.

"It feels amazing." She said.

"How do you feel about people criticizing your sex shops? Many people feel you're glorifying sex."

Soleen mentally rolled her eyes.

"I don't feel a thing, the people who upset are the ones keeping me in business. Next question." Soleen said.

"Rumors have been spreading around about you and Suga? Are they true?"

Soleen laughed.

"Yoongi and I have been friends for ten years. Just because you see us out having lunch doesn't mean we're dating." She said.

"Many people want to know are you single?"

Soleen fiddled with her hands.

"Yes." She said.

Soleen was indeed still single, she had quite a few hookups though.

"How do you feel about beating Ji-Won for most voted successor?"

Soleen smirked.

"She can't compete to what she can't compare to." Soleen said.

"There's a rumor going around about Pleasure collaborating with swipe wire for the new mobile app protection. Is it true?"

Soleen sighed anything dealing with Seokjin she wanted nothing to do with.

"No comment." She said.

Yuri her assistant of three years came on stage and whispered in her ear.

"It's time to go." She said.

Soleen nodded.

"One more question." She said.

"Who are you wearing today?"

Soleen smiled.

"Kim Taehyung." She said standing up.

They continued throwing questions at her as she walked out.

"Yuri do I have any messages?" Soleen asked.

"Yes, Suga asked if you and his baby were coming to his concert today and Camille said bitch you better be there for lunch." Yuri said.

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