The Unexpected, Qualifying

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Harry felt his eyes fluttering open as the rays of sunlight filtered through the cracks of his curtains. He had an amused smile on his face as he saw Little Rosy had curled in a ball next to him. He stretched as he climbed out of bed and walked into his bathroom, after a fast shower and brushing his teeth, changed into a simple black t-shirt and comfortable khaki shorts. Silently, without waking up his little redhead sister, Harry left his room quietly and walked into the living room. P

ropping down on the sofas, he sipped gently from his cup of green tea as he continued to read the Advanced Dueling book Sirius had given him. He had mastered the organ-liquefying curse quickly but it had drained him more drastically than he had previously calculated, the other curses seemed to have similar after effects as well.

As he flipped the page, he noticed something wrong with the parchment and gasped when he saw a faint, barely readable scribble as the sunlight illuminated the page. He grabbed a magnifying glass from a drawer next to the sofa to get a closer look. If you are reading this then I must congratulate you, my best and proudest spell is not to be shared around like common gossip. You must have an extraordinary mind not to use a revealing charm on this book, too obvious for a common wizard. As much as I detest those filthy muggles, their ways of concealing secrets are most intriguing especially in Vatican Italy….. Harry was utterly focused now as he read on, there wasn't much after that except an incantation, Inflictum Mactabilis and a small description of the downward slashing wand movement.

Seeing movement from the corners of his eyes, Harry quickly snapped the book shut.

"What you reading Hawwy?" Little Rosy chirped happily as she jumped on the sofa.

"Nothing, school stuff." Harry lied and remembering his promise, quickly added, "You want to visit the park or something?"

"Yeah!" Little Rosy yelled and skipped into her room to change out of her sleeping gown. Ten minutes later, after a quickly scribbled note which Rosy had insisted Harry to write, they were at a local park.

Harry just smiled as he gently pushed his sister on the swings, listening to her innocent and playful laughter. He still remembered the times where he sat alone at the swings while watching with jealousy and anger that all the other children had parents accompanying them. Then what Lily Potter had said last night came back to him and he had to suppress an urge to swear loudly for the confusion in his head.

"I HATE them, why am I feeling so guilty, they SHOULD be the ones who should be throwing at my feet begging for forgiveness." He thought as Little Rosy led him to the slides. "No, I don't think I would fit anymore. You go." Harry said shaking his head despite the pout of the little redhead.

He sat at a bench not too far away, looking on with his arms crossed in front of his chest, "In the end, its just me." He thought as he ran a hair over his locks.

An hour later, Little Rosy had found herself comfortable on her brother's strong shoulders again as they began the slow journey home, the trees on the sidewalks were green with new life and the sky a vibrant blue decorated by fluffy marshmallow clouds.

After dropping his sister back in Potter Manor, Harry walked to the nearest barbershop to get his hair cut. He arrived back to the Manor around lunchtime, his face an emotionless mask as he entered the kitchen, where his family was already having lunch. All conversations stopped as soon as he came in.

"Harry, you cut your hair?" James Potter asked rhetorically and was responded with a nod. Harry grinned at Little Rosy who couldn't help but pout sadly, she couldn't tug on his long locks now. Then after eating his breakfast quickly he excused himself from the table, deliberately not making any eye contact with his mother.

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