Collecting things

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The next morning i wake up boxed in between one of my dogs and Damon getting up i head straight to the bathroom to do my business before showering because I feel gross after not showering last night... while in the shower I'm thinking of things I could get done like getting the watch and the moonstone, and start collecting Elena's blood with her permission of course. Getting out a wrap a towel around my self before blow drying my hair.

"Why couldn't I hear in the bathroom?" Damon asked me as soon as I open the door

"There was an incident that involved the guys and bad tacos which we told them not to eat where every time the went to the bathroom to releve themselves we be outside snickering every time they would groan in pain." I explained going to the door that connected to my closet getting changed (outfit up top) changing my purse and my jewelry.

"Well that's just mean." Damon said

"Oh well would you eat tacos from a Japanese place and not think of the consequences." I taunted Damon as I walked out of the closet while putting my earring in. Before checking my watch.

"Are you going to just change or get a shower i have to go help momma with breakfast." I questioned Damon as I sat on the bed putting my shows on.

"I'm just going to change be back in a second." Damon said getting up kissing my forehead before getting changed.

"When he return we both go downstairs where I see a groggy Gabe, momma cooking and Lucifer reading the news paper. Which I dart to him snatching the paper before sitting on his lap him holding my waist and one side of the paper while I hold the other.

"Good morning mom dad papa Lucifer."I say before kissing Lucifer on the cheek

"Is that an everyday thing?" Damon asked motioning to me and Lucifer.

"Lucifer won't admit it but Peyton owns him." Mom said making dad snort mumbling an oh yeah.

"I do not own him it is a partnership (yeah) where I have majority vote (hey)." I say laughing at papas interruptions.

"Well well someone found there first soulmate hi I'm Hunter but also Gabriel the archangel mate to Peyton's sexy mother." Gabe say introducing himself to Damon.

"I'm Damon Salvatore mate to Peyton but you already know that." Damon replied as me and Lucifer talk about things that happened in the news paper.

"There's some part of me that wants to go back in time and stab Hitler." I say to Lucifer.

"Oh I've tortured him in hell." Lucifer tell me nodding

"Have you made him experience everything thing that he did to the Jews." I ask looking at him

"No why didn't I think of that." Lucifer says with a frown

"I mean that's what I would do kind of like make him experience what his victims did over and over again until he begs for something different." I tell him watching as he takes on a look of understanding.

"Okay no more Lucifer go help your mother cook." Gabriel says pulling me away from Lucifer.

"No i only get so much papa Luci time so I'm savoring it." I tell him before getting off Lucifer to actually help momma. "Momma go sit drink your coffee." I say to my mother taking a spoon and hitting her on the butt with it

"Did you just spank me?" Mom asked as she sat down with Gabe

"Yes yes I did don't tell me you didn't like it." I shot back with a smirk and a wink. "Damon do you mind getting everyone up for Tyler you might have to get the bucket the boy sleeps like he's dead." I ask finished the pancakes and bacon before starting the eggs. Using my magic to start cutting up fruit.

"Sure thing sweetheart." Damon says before speeding away. When they get back the food is set with more than enough food.

"Ugh why are we still going to school?" Tyler whined as he shoveled food into his mouth.

"I know we could all graduate early but miss Caroline over there we go for the experiences of being in high school" I say mocking Caroline with the end

"Me and Peyton have already had the experiences." Jj says with a pout.

"Wait what do you mean?" Damon asked with Stefan nodding

"Oh shit well me jj and my mother come from a different universe where this was a tv show we where out here form a better life and to miss things up and fix everything at the same time." I tell them the start laughing before everyone looks at the with deadpan expressions.

"Are you serious?" Stefan asked looking around the table as everyone nodded

"Prove it." Damon says

"You came here to open the tomb to get Katherine while messing with Stefan's life." Jj says pausing before continuing when he sees he's not convinced "Augustine you were one of their victims you had to turn it off so you could get out-"

"Stop ok I believe you." Damon says as he looks down breathing a little heavy as I rub his back

"Ok serious note Tyler (yes) I need you to get that stone from your dads safe in his office. Gilbert's I need that watch it tracks vamps. Bonnie me and you are playing hooky we have a grave to dig and a grimoire to get." I say getting nods i continued scared how he was going to react. "Damon Katherine was never in the tomb she made a deal with George to get her out before they set the church on fire."

"Really and she just never looked for me?" Damon says as he grabs my hand

"Sorry Damon in the show she was like obsessed with Stefan and has been checking up on him." JJ say with a pitying smile while Damon shrugs

"Eh i thought she was my mate thats the only reason i was coming back to get her, until i met Peyton." Damon said as he give me a smile one of which i returned.

"So Peyton whose body we digging up?" Bonnie questioned as she finished her food.

"Well Papa Salvatores of course he has your ancestors grimoire, Emily's, and we are going to need it." I tell her before heard a voice

"That bastard has her grimoire." Grams asked

"Yes ma'am." I replied with a nod taking a sip of iced tea.

"Well what are you two waiting for go and get it so we can put in the safe until we need it." Grams said nodding to the door me and Bonnie stand up taking our dishes to the sink rinsing them before putting them in the dishwasher, before collecting our bags and my car keys

"Damon you want to join?" I ask feeling his eyes track my movements.

"Yes." He says before taking his dishes away and speeding back to the door where me and Bonnie were waiting.

"Girls be sure to use your magic to dig the hole." Lucifer calls out which i replies to with a duh.

"This is your car?" Damon questions in awe as i let Bonnie into the back.

"Yup like it." I ask before getting in cracking it

"Like it i love it." Damon says before getting into the passenger seat. Then i was off to grave rob apparently.

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