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Kingsley Hart wasn't even a professional at this fighting gig but he had speed and reflexes, both of which were keeping him alive at this point from the three bullies he was taking on.

How it all started?

An after school fundraising activity was on his daily schedule and he was too busy shoving the rest of his stuff into his locker, until he heard them.

"So you think you're tough stuff, huh? Just strutting around school just 'cause you're the new kid on the block?"

"I wasn't thinking anything. Leave me alone."

King slammed his locker hard.

The sound echoed and reverberated through the hallway and the three bullies turned to face him.

The leader of the trio smiled. Cody Green by name, he was a threat to people weaker than him, as normal bullies often are. Except in this case, it wasn't because he felt insecure about himself or anything. He really loved hurting people and well, action does speak louder than words.

And of course, he was reported by anonymous tips and complaints were brought in by parents. But if you're trying to tell on a bully and his dad is the principal, you can't exactly expect things to go your way.

He raised an eyebrow at the noise and rolled his eyes.

"You wanted something, Q-Kid? If not, then beat it."

Q-Kid. Short for Quiet Kid, because he was well, quiet. And he mostly kept to himself. There were rumors that claimed he was like that because of something tragic he'd witnessed. And of course, solitude attracts unwanted attention and two other bullies had tried to pick on him in the boys locker room after gym class and they came to school the next day to clear out their locker, covered in bandages. After that, people avoided him even more.

King sighed. He could've really just kept to himself and pretended he'd seen nothing. But there was a tiny part of him that he couldn't understand. A part of him that hated this stuff.

He sighed again.

"Just let him go, Cody."


"Let. Him. Go", King repeated, deliberately splitting each word.

"I heard what you said, Q-Kid. I'm not deaf. And no, I can't just 'let him go', mate", Cody grinned, using two fingers as air speech marks.

"Why not?"

"He thinks he's better than us, that's why."

The new kid opened his mouth to say something and unfortunately, Cody saw him. King tried to warn him, but it was far too late.

For reasons unknown to everybody including himself, Cody absolutely hated it when his victims tried to talk or say something. It just made things worse.

"I wasn't-"

"Shut up!",Cody roared and brought a knee up viciously. The new kid doubled up on the floor, groaning and holding his stomach.

And with that, King made his decision.

He had already finished with the first one and was working on Cody's other lackey before Cody even realized what was going on. And that brings us back to the first sentence of the chapter.

The fist was followed up with a lopsided kick that he also dodged with ease and he countered with a savage right hook to the nose, followed by a knee of his own between the legs and topping it off with a throw over the shoulder. The unfortunate fellow somersaulted in the air, screaming and that was cut off when he crashed on his back and lay still.

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