07 October Cont. - Research Findings: Tragic Events

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Golden rays shattered the clouds, dispersing their hazy tones into oblivion, and warmth radiated, apparent by Jackson's sudden change in attire. The flannel overshirt he'd worn early-morning draped across his shoulder. Blue and green hues reflected like shimmering water against his eyes, contrasted by the newly exposed, charcoal undershirt. Skin soaking in the sun, he resembled a blazin beach boy, down to the thick framed Oakley's resting upon his head and messenger bag hanging across his side. I, on the other hand, shivered inside the oversized hoodie I'd snagged per his suggestion, frozen despite the balmy fall afternoon.

A mixture of emerald, pumpkin, and caramel colored leaves, dangling from the towering trees lining the path, rustled against a cool breeze. Their sound mimicked child-like laughter ringing in my ears. I massaged my temple, disheartened by the similarity. It seemed even the elements mocked my suffering.

"You know," Jackson began, chuckling to himself as we traversed the university campus to the library, "I find it rather peculiar how McNeil kept us late today, don't you?"

Shifting my eyes, I gazed at him without turning my head and shrugged. The backpack weighed as heavy upon my shoulders as the dread sinking my stomach.

"Not sure what you mean," I responded.

Though words lied, truth shadowed. The bumbling, carefree professor acted particularly agitated during class, going so far as to throw a pop quiz our way. It was not only uncharacteristic but ominously purposeful, like a negative energy manipulated his mind. Though I tried to ignore the obvious, it proved difficult, especially under Jackson's speculative watch. He arched a brow, snorting as we rounded a corner.

"Come on, Ally. Don't play with me. You're not as disconnected as you'd have me believe," Jackson argued, lips twitching upwards.

Rolling my eyes, I refused to meet his gaze, knowing full well a smirk had fully formed on his lips. Attraction equaled distraction. I couldn't afford to lose sight of our true reason for being together, to separate the attachment from my soul. Jackson snickered, apparently seeing through my distant demeanor. He elbowed my shoulder and winked.

"Hey, just cause we're in a life or death situation doesn't mean we can't have a little fun."

"We're? More like, I'm in a life or death situation," I grumbled.

The punch of reality almost caused me to double over from anxiety induced cramps. A groan escaped as I rubbed my abdomen. Jackson's expression gained seriousness. He slid his hand along my neck and squeezed. The gentle touch sent shivers rolling down my spine. I released a shaky breath.

"Remember, I got you into this mess and I'm going to get you out. An attack on your life is an attack on mine. We're in this together."

This time, his words of reassurance soothed and the cramps faded. I breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to release my stomach. We continued our journey in silence, his hand shifting to my other shoulder as he tugged me closer. Jackson's embrace provided only a minimal amount of safety, not of supernatural influence but self-destructive thoughts. Mind clearing, I obtained a crystal clear focus.

In the middle of the maze of archaic, hundred year old structures, the campus library stuck out like a sore thumb. A shining beacon of a new millennium, the three story boulder of shimmering green tinted glass and smooth, polished stone seemed out of place and other worldly. The stylish design appealed to younger students and its central location provided for easy accessibility, a well thought plan for attracting diversity. For these obvious reasons, the library acted as both a research facility and local hub.

I dreaded entering. Pleasant conversation had never been a strong suit on a good day. But with the effects of the attachment leaving me drained, disoriented, and confused? Impossible. However, Jackson appeared at ease, a jovial skip in his strut, as we mounted the stairs and neared the sliding double doors.

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