Hastinapur's reaction- new conspiracies

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All the Kuru royal members were busy in the court. For last a few months they were busy in collecting taxes from the subjects which had created an uproar. Many people. especially the tribals, farmers, laborers, small traders started protesting. Yudhistir tried to salvage the situation by talking to them and trying to make them understand that it was their duty to serve the kingdom. But as Karna predicted when they saw the Brahmins were still given huge donations while they had to starve to pay the taxes, most of them revolted. Though Bheem, Arjun, Nakul took harsh measures to stop the rebellion but still it created a huge impact on the people's mind. In this situation, at least the Kauravas took more humble approaches to solve the situation. They talked to them politely about the situation. Sometimes Duryodhana even used their personal funds to help the people but it was not enough. So overall the situation was really tensed. Vidur's spies also reported that the new Magadhraj had announced some good job opportunities as well as easy, less interest loans for businessmen and farmers. In fact some tribes, small-time businessmen and farmers even left Hastinpur permanently. When Yudhistir was informed about it he just brushed it off as some rare incident and soon they would inturn as HP was one of the prosperous countries. Vidur also showed his faith in Yudhi but Kripacharya and Bheesm understood that it was not something one should take lightly. The cunning Magadhraj had really started his evil moves to attract the citizens of HP. After he talked to his mother, Bheesm was more confused. His mother always cleared his doubts but she did not want to disclose anything to the new Magadhraj. That man was really an enigma.....who was his parents, from where did he come, how did he obtain training from his own guru, why did he hate him so much? Too many questions but no answer. Sometimes Bheesm really regretted his decision of renouncing the throne. 

The court was in full swing suddenly a messenger came and informed, 'Maharaj ki jay ho, Maharaj we got news from Banga. Magadhraj Aditya had won over Banga. The king of Banga is dead and now Magadha is ruling over the kingdom.'

At first the entire court was silenced for a few minutes, then everyone roared. How was it possible? After a huge war against HP, Magadhraj again declared war. But they did not hear anything from their spies about a preparation of war or something? How come the king stealthily managed to bring his army there? 

Vidur, 'Impossible, Maharaj Aditya is not that fool to start a war again within such a short span of time. Unless he really is a warmonger.'

Bheem, 'Does Dwarka help him again?

The messenger, 'No mantriji, Rajkumar, he just took advantage of the civil war.' Saying he narrated the entire incident about how the king of Kamroop, killed Chandraketu and how the Banga soldiers started a civil war and then Magadha took over Banga.

Yudhistir, 'He just used tricks, it is against Dharmyudh.'

Nakul, 'What will you expect from a low-born impure man?'

Sahadev, 'All he doing are spreading adharm.'

Bheesm, 'Silence.....Enough of you. Just for once stop lecturing about Dharma and think about politics. Do you understand the gravity of the situation? Magadha has now Banga under them and they also have Kamroop as their ally. Do you have any idea how much military they will have now?'

Shakuni. 'Don't forget the economic advantages they are going to have. Banga is rich in fertile lands. It is feeding almost half of the entire eastern Aryavart.  Now Magadha is going to control the export of foods all over eastern Aryavart.'

Kripacharya, 'Also now they have the control over the port of eastern part of our country. Tamralipta is the biggest port that is used for trades with Lanka, Macedonia, Egypt, Shyamdesh etc. I have heard that Magadha is exploring the mines and their products are also gaining popularity. Soon they will start exporting both raw and finished products and earn huge money.'

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