Ch. 29 - Massage

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A/N: Warning in advance, zero proof-reading. Couldn't be arsed, sorry!

Thor and Bruce began walking Loki to one of the smaller labs for Bruce to quickly tend to his injury. I trailed behind them subconsciously, wondering if Loki would be okay. Before I could turn back, Thor glanced towards me from over his shoulder.

"Lady Monet, how come you are following us?"

Shit. I looked at Loki and saw him already looking at me with smug look on his face. I knew he wouldn't care if I told anyone of the fact that I was going to make sure he'd be alright, but I for sure as hell would if someone would be able to use that to find out what had been going on between us. I leaned to the side to notice Bruce looking at me expectantly as well, all three of them awaiting an answer.

"Oh, I just, uh, I just wanted to talk to Bruce."

Loki's eyebrows shot up in surprise. I didn't expect me to do that either, bud, don't worry. They all stood there, waiting for me to say something.

"Alone?" I said.

"Ah, of course. Banner," Thor said, turning towards Bruce, "If you wish, you may accompany the lady with you and I shall care for Loki myself."

"Thor," Bruce begun, "I'm nit sure if that's such a g-"

"I need not to be taken care of, Thor," Loki groaned.

"Very well, I will only accompany you and assist and applying the bandages." Loki huffed in response and turned towards me, giving me a reassuring nod as I gave a slight smile in return. He and Thor turned to walk in a separate direction from Bruce and I. "Farewell, Lady Monet."

"Please, Thor, just call me Monet," he gave a cute, tight-lipped smile and continued to walk off with Loki.

"Monet?" Bruce called, causing my head to snap towards him. "Wanna go to the lab for privacy?" I nodded while keeping my head down, not wanted to have any eye-contact.

We continued to walk in silence, one-behind-another, not even daring to spare a glance towards the other. I have no idea what I was going to say now. I mean, he's probably actually expecting something.

Once we reached, Bruce opened the door for me and let me in first, before walking in himself and closing it behind him. We stood there in awkward silence as I fiddled with my fingers and kept my eyes locked on my feet. He probably thinks I'm gonna start, doesn't he? I let out a breath and tried to gather up the confidence to say something, anything.

"Look, Bruce. I..." I couldn't think of anything. "Well, I-"

"I miss you so much," I heard a soft voice whisper from the other end of the room. It was so quiet I could barely hear it myself - being on the same silent room. My head shot up to see Bruce looking down at the floor while still being able to notice his eyebrows furrowed in nervousness.

"What?" I breathed out.

"I miss you, Monet." His voice wavered while speaking.

I took slow steps to approach him, not wanting him to run off. I stopped once we were around a meter apart and softly spoke his name.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. For everything. For not telling you the truth about Blaise or Christine. For continuously covering up the truth. For deepening the lie every time you asked. For repeating these same lies knowing it was wrong, straight to your face. Everything." He didn't say anything, I was scared. I placed my hand hesitantly on his cheek, causing him to glance up at me. His eyes were red and watery, the tears tying their hardest not to slip out.

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