3~ The Promise

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*Toridia P.O.V.*

Of course I'm not an ordinary dragon, how dumb is this human? I should have been more careful though, humans can't know about me or my family....

I gave him a growl to back him up, giving me a chance to walk away, half hoping he wouldn't follow. I'm still unstable. Though I had amazing powers, I'm still not able to control them, perfectly. But luckily for me I can sustain my dragon form for a very long time, since I was the first to be born with my powers, others had to gain their powers......

while he was moving back, I painfully got up and began to walk away,

"Hey! Don't move, you're not strong enough yet!"

He was right, but I couldn't stay there, other humans might come and take me! I had to keep going, no matter how much pain I'm in...

then my legs gave out...

stupid legs, I have to get home! I tried to get up again, but I only fell once more. Then that human came and looked me in the eyes, I narrowed mine and snarled, but he looked me straight in the eye and stopped me. No one, has ever stood up to me like that. Was it weird that I liked the change? I found myself drowning in his calming chocolate eyes, he looked straight into my blue ones, and I stopped trying to get away. He looked happy and content...

"Thank you, you need rest, I promise I won't let anyone find you, or hurt you, but you have to promise to stay here, deal?"

Should I? If I do then I would worry my parents, but I have to heal these wounds anyway, but if I go back, then I would have to deal with my parents and everyone, I needed a break from the unnecessary appraisal, I wanted to do something for myself. Before I realized what I was doing, my head was nodding a yes, so I grunted to show I was annoyed. he smiled warmly that made my heart beat faster. Then he started to pack up his things.

"I have to get home quickly, before they come looking for me and find you. I will be back as soon as I can, with all the food I can carry."

With that, he left. When I made sure he was gone, I switched back to my human form. My shoulder was covered in blood. My dress ripped in multiple placed and I couldn't move my leg. I needed to clean all of this blood off of me..

Skeptically, I went to the pond and stripped of my clothes. I carefully dipped into it, the cold water was soothing on the hot summer evening. I got my clothes and began to wash them in the pond as well. After they were dry I got out and put the clothes back on again, they still had rips in them, but at least they didn't reek of old blood. I found a big enough stick to use as support for my leg, so I could manage to walk. Luckily for me, dragons heal quickly, and now that shouldn't be interrupted by the poison since I drank the remedy.

I couldn't stay as a human, because it would be too dangerous and leave me vulnerable, but I couldn't complain, I just wanted to be able to fly again. I hate having to be grounded, it made me feel open, and I hated that feeling. I sat down on the log that he had left, thinking about the past events, I really shouldn't have given my word, but I did and now I have to keep to it. I wonder if he'll return tomorrow..

I feel so....confused, all my life I was told stories of how barbaric, greedy, unworthy humans were, but this human came and helped me even though I threatened him and stripped my teeth, why? Could they have been wrong? It was getting dark, I turned back into a dragon and lied down on a bunch of leaves, still wondering why he would help a menacing dragon that could easily kill him in one blow....


I have to come up with an excuse, father will probably question me, and I can't let him know about her. I needed to gain her trust, I wanted her to be my dragon. If I had her as my dragon I would never be looked down on by my father again. But how could a dragon be so intelligent in the first place? She was definetly special, and I wanted her. I felt a sort of connection, it's hard to explain. It was like she understood my every word, she even slightly nodded! But that can't be possible, can it? Maybe, dragons are still very mysterious, no matter how much we think we know, they always find a way to prove us wrong or bring out something new.


"I made it" I whispered to myself. It was night now, but I was just glad to be home.

I went into the house hoping that father wasn't there, and thank god he wasn't, I really didn't need one of his lectures. I was still thinking about that dragon, what kind could she be? I remembered her eyes, they were the bluest I'd ever seen.

After showering I went to the kitchen to eat. And of course, the old man came home. He walked in and saw me,

"So, where's your MIGHTY dragon?" He sneered.

"I didn't find one b-"

"I shouldn't be surprised, my son, his father held so high, just to be let down by his son, not once, twice, but repeatedly."

"Whatever, I'm going back to look tomorrow, so back off, wouldn't want you to be soooooo disappointed again by me."

"Can't wait to see what you bring home, that is if you find something in the first place.."

"Whatever old man I'm going to sleep."

I went to sleep, vowing in my mind that I wouldn't let her go, she would be mine. My last thoughts being how selfish that sounded...

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