Part 8

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I smile as Moon sits back down on the couch, I've never been this happy before..
I was walking around to the archway that leads out to the daycare and hit my head on the wall.

Moon looks at me
'You alright?'
I nod, "Yeah, just a problem of being 9'2."
Moon gives a soft laugh and stretches

I jump down into the ball-pit before walking towards the windows across the daycare
I wonder what it's like outside, it seems like a-lot to explore just from here.

Moon quickly walks over to me
'What are you thinking about?'
I look at him then back outside, he got the most part of what I was attempting to get at.

Moon starts to look around before slowly grabbing something and opening the window
'There we go, do you want to go out for a moment?'

I nod happily and Moon goes through the opening in the window, showing me how to get through.
I stretch once I finally get through the window, it was a-lot tougher than I originally thought.

It was night from what it looks like, all the street lights being on including the ones in the parking lot.
Moon starts to walk off and I scramble to start following.

"Ah! wait up!"
Moon pauses for a moment and smiles at me.
I smile back and we walk together out of the parking lot.

The pizza-plex was on a mountain side this whole time! The view was amazing!

Moon sits down and I do the same.
'So, what do you think?'

I stare out at the buildings below us
"It's beautiful out here, quite cold though."
Moon suddenly drops quiet though I don't take it into account until later on when he asks me a question.

'Do you think they won't hate me one day?..'

I look over at Moon, nobody should ask that question. Overall that just shows how bad the glamrocks are.
"Maybe not, but I know I will never hate you, neither will Roxane!"

Moon gives a soft smile and leans on my shoulder
"Do you want to head back inside?"

Moon hesitates before nodding and standing up, I get up with him.
'I'll race you inside.'

I give a short laugh and get ahead quickly before Moon starts to chase after me.
Moon sadly winning our race to get inside.

I smile as Moon shuts the window once we are both inside.


Both of us look over to where the cough came from, the source being a night-guard that came into the daycare incase kids were left inside.

"And you two were...?"

"We were just looking outside.."
I look at the floor as moon nods, agreeing with my statement.

"Still, you both shouldn't- wait both?"
The night-guard pauses for a moment before
Moon and me realize that the guards aren't really aware of Moon.

Moon stands nervously next to me as the guard walks closer.
"Sun, is that the animatronic that has been in all the reports?"

I don't respond to the guard, I was scared for Moon to get dragged away because of me.

The guard sighs before looking at Moon.
"You've been a real problem y'know?"
Moon nods, looking at the floor.

"Sun, listen- I can't have a nightmare-causing, killer animatronic in the daycare! do you realize how bad that makes this place sound?"

I don't ignore what he said but I didn't look at him, Moon was obviously concerned for himself.
I am too.

"But he doesn't hurt the children!"

"Last time we got a report was because of a child having claw marks across their face! And you are the only animatronics with matching claws!"

'But I didn't do that! I swear!'
Moon finally says something which shocks the guard due to he hasn't heard Moon's voice before.

"Sun, I. Can't. Keep. Him. Around!"
The guard turns around before finishing his sentence
"I'm writing this down and he's getting out of here in the morning, final."

Moon starts to freak out and paces back and forth as the guard walks away, you could hear the guard's shoes as he walked.




As soon as it came the noise stopped and Moon looked up, for the door didn't open nor close yet.

I stare at my hands before getting up

'Sun, what did you do?'
I stare at Moon

Moon walks over to me before my breathing get quicker
'Sun, Sun it's okay! I'm right here!'

"It's not okay!"
Moon looks at me quickly before getting up and picking up the now deceased guard.

'I'll be right back, please don't move'

I just
didn't want to see him go

Is that bad?..

End of part 8.

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