Chapter 20 [Part 1]

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Cole's pov

In the morning, I woke with Tegan wrapped snuggly in my arms.

"Morning beautiful," I greeted Tegan with a kiss on her soft lips.

"Morning Cole," Tegan replied.

"How was your sleep?"

"Good, how about yours?"

"Also Good,"

Tegan pinched my cheek gently before asking

"So when are you going to explain things to me?" Tegan asked. Damn it why couldn't she wait? I really want to tell Tegan but I am afraid to lose her.

"I just woke up Tegan," I whined.

"So?" Tegan trailed her hands up and down my arm. That was making me want to kiss her senseless. I leaned over and placed my lips on hers.

"Cole, I don't want a kiss. I want the truth," Tegan told me once our lips were no longer touching.

"Fine. I'll tell you but you won't like it," I warned.

"Just tell me Cole,"

"Ok," I took a deep breath before continuing. "A demon can only be with one person in their entire existence and once they find each other, they are both mated for life. If anything was to happen to a Demon's soul mate then they would never be able to love another even if they wanted to. It just wouldn't be possible, they wouldn't be able to settle with someone else,"

"So we will be together for life but that's nothing new, we are married so we're bound to be together forever," Tegan told me.

"So you are ok with the fact that I will be your only love?" I asked nervously but with some hope.

"Yes. I don't want to be with anyone else,"

"Good because I couldn't bare it if you left me for someone else," I said sadly. Tegan put her arms around me for comfort before saying

"I'll never leave you for someone else Cole," Tegan swore. I hugged Tegan close, I know she means what she just said but I agree with what she said yesterday, feelings can change. Not for me, I will always love Tegan. How could I not? I'm not sure about Tegan though, she says she loves me but she is a Vampire. One day she could stop loving me and leave me on my own. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"There's another thing. If we are apart it will be painful so we must always be together. If a Demon loses their mate, they are unable to live without their mate and end up committing suicide unless your Diago," I added.

"Diago?" Tegan asked in confusion.


"What happened to Diago?"

"He found his soulmate many years ago but she died. Usually a Demon will die straight after the loss of their mate but Diago seemed to pull through by becoming the world's first ever Demon player and only Demon still alive after losing his mate. He will be fine as long as he keeps going as he is. If he loses it even for a second, he could be gone," I explained.

"How did his mate die?"

"She was accidentally murdered by a newly turned Demon who didn't know what he was doing, he thought she was human and drained her blood. Diago didn't have to get his revenge though because the killer died from having too much Demon blood inside his body. Diago was a mess for years but then he turned to his player ways and was fine. He doesn't talk about his mate ever because he knows if he does then he'll remember and will end up dead. He isn't happy without his mate and wants to join her in the afterlife but he is afraid that his mate is ashamed of him for sleeping around and not being able to save her,"

"She's gone so she'd understand he would move on some day. How can he think that she would be ashamed of him for not saving him? He couldn't possibly have saved her, could he?"

"No. She was alone at the time, Diago had no idea where she was,"

"That's so sad. I hope one day he can find the courage to join his mate,"

"I hope so too but he's a good friend and it'll be sad to lose him,"

"Don't worry, you'll always have me," Tegan assured me.

"Will I really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course, you have chosen me to be your soulmate. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to," Tegan kissed my cheek and I almost melted in her arms.

"So how far can we be apart from each other without feeling pain?" Tegan asked a while later.

"When I said pain, it isn't physical. When we aren't together as in we don't know where the other is then we'll feel anxious and won't relax until we are together. We can only be happy when we are together but don't worry, we'll never be apart so you won't have to feel that way," I told my mate.

"Ok," Tegan said with a sigh before she got out of my arms to get dressed. I got dressed too before we headed downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast, I grabbed Tegan's hand and led her upstairs.

"Cole why are we upstairs?" Tegan asked me as we entered our bedroom.

"You'll see," I replied. I pushed Tegan onto the bed gently into a laying position before slowly pushing up on top of her and placing my lips on hers. Not long after, I was reeling in pure bliss as we moved together and became one flesh. We soon lay together out of breath but I was so happy to have Tegan by my side.

Tegan suddenly got out of bed and pulled my hand to follow her.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"For a shower," Tegan replied and led me to the bathroom.

Tegan's pov

Half an hour later and after a steamy shower before getting dressed, Cole picked me up in his arms and carried me away. I thought he was taking me back to bed for another round.

"Cole are we making love again?" I asked with excited eyes.

"As much I would like to right now, no," Cole replied but I could tell he was debating in his mind to do so.

"Then why are you carrying me?" I asked in disappointment.

"I want to show you my office,"

"Is that the room no one is allowed to go in but you?" I asked curiously.

"There is no such room,"

"Then why did Diago say that room is always locked?"

"It's only locked because of Diago. He isn't allowed in there, he made a mess the last time he was in there but you're my mate and can go in whenever you want to,"

We soon reached the door that was always locked. Cole held his hand out and a key appeared in the palm of his hand. Cole opened the door with the key, stepped in and shut the door behind us.

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