i escaped?

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Y/n POV:

I was able to get out of what moon put me in but then I heard eclipse open the door so I pretended I was still tied up "hello dew drop~" he said just smiling at me I didn't like it but I dealt with it to escape "I love you so much darling~" he said then he kissed me on the lips softly and then something happened he got called to help one of the glamrocks he looked annoyed but kissed me and left.
Soon after I got out and started running to the door "I'm so close I can finally leave this job and quiet and not deal with these insane robots!" I said I got out of that place and locked it and got to my car it only had a bit of gas left I used it to get back home once I got home I layed down on my bed then I took a shower and put some different clothes on I was happy to be back home...

~a week later~

Y/n POV still:

Everything was back to normal and I got a new job to at a cafe after work I went home and took a shower and everything but something wasn't right.. I felt like I was being watched but I didn't know by who unless... "No it couldn't be how would they know were I live it can't be them!" I thought as I was scared for life but I calmed down after a few minutes "no there's no way I'll be fine" at least that was I thought I was safe...

To be continued..

Hey everyone it's me the creator here and I'm so happy y'all like and support me on this story and I'm glad y'all like it and we're patient thank you so much I hope y'all have a great day bye!

317 words

yandere Sundrop/moondrop X Reader (A Broken Factory Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now