Chapter 11

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When Jin arrived home he paced his room. He knew without a doubt that someone from here was seeing Nicole. The Nature Cafe was a favorite of theirs; it was close to the house and grocery store. But the Eric thing. That was the name of a good friend of theirs Eric Nam and one day when they had ordered they forgot some stuff and Eric ordered more. When Namjoon had gone in ten minutes later using the same name it had thrown the workers for a loop as Namjoon was much taller. 

So they had as a joke always used Eric's name when they went there. But now the question was who had met Nicole and used the name? Walking to the computer at a desk he starts it and pulls up some information. Well, it wasn't him, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hose-ok, Jungkook, or Tae. Jimin was scheduled for a date in May. 

Sighing, he grunts and goes upstairs to his room. Great, I love mystery. Why didn't I ask her what Eric looked like? He thought as he went back to his room. Laying there on his bed he wondered about the predicament. One of the main aspects of doing a job was privacy. They all knew some of the clients dated a variety of men. And no one talked about it much unless there were complaints.

But this Eric thing was straddling a border. Who was using the cafe name to date someone who was a client? There was going to have to be a house meeting and very soon. He was still puzzling over it as he fell asleep.

Saturday morning Nicole woke up and was a little puzzled over the buzzing and when she realized it was her front door she went over to it and looking through it she sighed and opened it to her sister. 

"Hey, I brought donuts. I needed to go over some final things for the big day. Sorry for dropping by but I figured you would be alone."

Ignoring the jab you close the door behind her. "Okay, what things?"

And she starts in. What her hair should be. Swept-back and semi-up. Her makeup is minimal except for the eyes. A neutral smokey eye. Her polish a nude to not clash with the dresses and it felt like the list went on and on finally she paused in her drinking of coffee to look at Nicole. 

"You know you look pretty good. Not as stressed." Laura says.

You smile at her. "Probably all the guys I have been banging lately. Good sex is supposed to take years off of you."

Laura laughs and pats Nicole's shoulder. "You're always joking. Speaking of men. I know you said you have a date but if you don't. No need to be embarrassed." 

Shaking your head at her you smile. "Oh don't worry I won't be embarrassed. I have a date and he's a great dancer. I'm really looking forward to everyone meeting him."

Laura nods, "Okay if you say so. Well, we will be looking forward to meeting your boyfriend next weekend. Mom and Dad aren't over the divorce yet. But it's up to me now. Carry on the family name."

You cut her off. "Well yes, I'm sure you have lots to do still and times a wasting. I have some work to do."

Laura stands and kisses her sister on the cheek and grabs her stuff. "Okay, we'll see you Saturday I'll be swamped till then."

And when she leaves Nicole sits on the couch and sighs. God, she loved her sister but she had been being such a bitch with everyone paying attention to her. In the past, Laura had been the fast one always doing bad in school, drinking, dabbling in drugs, lots of boyfriends and girlfriends. 

But she had been the good girl, perfect grades, on the softball team and in the band. Did what her parents said stayed a virgin till college and after three sexual duds and thinking she didn't get what the big deal was she had gone home for the summer and at a party, she was reintroduced to a childhood family crush, Joe. And at the urging of both sets of patents they had casually dated and she had let herself be pulled into a marriage that after a while they both had decided they weren't into. But she was the one blamed for it dissolving. 

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