Chapter Nine

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9:53 am

I'm actually caught up on work and housework so, I get to relax and have a three day weekend. Babe has his nephew so I am a little lonely. Currently, I'm laid out on the couch, in my robe, watching reruns of Housewives of Potomac. "Oh god Candice grow up. You need a Kleenex sponsorship the way you have them on deck." The doorbell rings. "Coming. Hey baby." "Hey beautiful." "I wasn't expecting you. I thought it was your weekend with Cameron." "It is and I'd like you to meet him. My two favorite people have to meet and get to know each other. The lunch a few weeks back wasn't exactly a good way to interact. That is if it's cool with you?" "Uh sure, I'd love to. Let me go get ready." Kids are brutally honest. We barely interacted when we first met. Cameron is like his son. Almost a package deal, he cares and loves that little boy like his life depends on it. Even when he doesn't have Cam he is always thinking of him. I just hope he likes me.

"Aye I'm around the corner. Okay." This was a very nice neighborhood it seems to be very popular amongst families. Some of the house looked the same but then there would be a big one thrown in between. Pulling in a cul de sac there stood Melody and Cameron. As soon as he saw the truck he started bouncing and jumping. "He's cool. Relax. Hey there, boy." "UNCLE MARC!" It was so cute seeing him take off towards Marcus with the biggest smile on his face. Marcus spoke with Melody, who waved to me, before  opening the back door. "Cam you remember Ms. Shannon? Can you say Hi?" He looked at me before smiling and hiding his face in Marcus' neck. "Hi handsome." "Hi." He waved his little hand still hiding. "Oh now you acting all shy."

Arriving at the mall, he came around opening my door then got Cameron. "I wanna get down." "You gotta hold our hands, okay." "Okay." After a few stores he warmed up to me. I got to see his little silly side and how much of a big kid Marcus is. They practically bum rushed the toy store. Once we stopped to get my car and back to Marcus' place it was a full on battle. They sucked me into a nerf gun fight. They had me at first but, I snuck away to get one up on them. Cuttting through the kitchen, I noticed something missing, followed by crumbs.

I peeked around the corner hearing whispers. "We gotta be quiet. She's around here somewhere." "I go that way." "Nah cam, black people don't split up." "Freeze." "I think she found us." He scooped Cam up and took off. His little laughs filling the air. "She's on us uncle Marc." "Damn it. Feet don't fail me now!" They ended up crashing into the pillow fort. "Aight aight. We'll cooperate. Hands up Cam." "Aw man."

"Boys, I have a question. There were ten cupcakes before the battle and now there are seven. Do you know what happened?" Cam still had icing on his nose as he pointed at Marcus. "He ate them, Ms. Shannon." "Bruh, you helped though. It be your own people, we use to be here man." "Time out, let's go." Cam got his little gun and poked him in the back. "Move it." "Wow, you turned my own mans against me. Remember this when you want to play Mario Kart, Cam."

After Marcus served his time Cam wanted to make pizza. "He's not allergic to anything right?" "Just bullshit." "Whoa." "Cameron Josiah." "That's what mommy says." "Remind me to tell grandma that and that's a bad word. You don't say that okay." "Okay, sorry." "You good, man. Just don't repeat everything you hear especially from your momma." He was pouting with his lip poked out. "It's okay, Cam. Look, you can help me and put whatever you want on your pizza." That cheered him up. "My pizza will be better." Marcus said sticking his tongue out. "Nuh uh. May I have cheese, please?" "You sure can." He ended up making two pepperoni eyes with a sausage smile. "Ms. Shannon I did it!" "Good job. Now we have to put it in the oven and wait."

After the pizzas were done we sat down to eat. "Be careful it maybe too hot." He took a little bite before stopping. "Uh oh." He put his hands together said his grace and went back to it. "Is it good?" He did a thumbs up. By eight thirty we had climbed on the couch watching Avengers: Infinity War. Once Cam knocked out Marcus took him up to his room while I cleaned up. "I got it." "Thank you." "I should be saying that to you." "For what?" "Just being you. It worked on him enough to turn him against me." "Well I seem to have that effect on men." I said throwing my hair over my shoulder. "No but he really is a good kid. Y'all are doing a great job." "It takes a village, I'm just doing my part." "Not to be nosey, what happened to Cam's father?"

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