Chapter 1. Moving Day?

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'Kinsely Winston please report to the front office.'

The class stared at me and I could feel my cheeks heating up. I quickly packed up my stuff and left the class room. I went down stairs and turned a few corner's to the front office. I walked in and smiled when I saw Dorthy sitting there. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey king."

"The office called me up here?"

"I'll be right back."

She got out of the chair and went off in the back some where. A few moment's later she came back and handed me a folder with a stack of papers in there. I opened it and it was my school information and transcripts why are they giving me this?

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Your mom called and said to give those to you apparently today is your last day."

"My what!" I yelled.

"That's what she said."

"Great that's just fantastic."

"I need you to go clean out your locker and go return all of your textbooks." She smiled at me sheepishly and continued typing.

I walked out of the office to my locker which wasn't far and put in my locker combination. It opened and I started putting my folders, notebooks and lose papers in my bag. I grabbed all my text books and walked all the way across campus to the library. I was thankful that the door was open because these books were starting to become heavy. I walked in and the books slammed down on the table causing a loud noise to echo through out the library.

"What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to return my textbooks."

She didn't say anything and took each book one by one scanning it.

"All clear nothing missing."

I walked out the library and there was five minutes left till the last bell rang. I sat under my favorite chestnut tree trying to calm my anger. Moving means making new friends, meeting new teachers and I will be a new student in some new city I most likely never heard of. I laid my head on the tree and closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of wind in my hair. It was relaxing in some ways.

I lifted my head up as the bell rang and students were walking out of class to go home or were talking to friends. I got up and made my way onto the bus sitting in my normal seat which was in the very back. A few minutes later the bus was off and I was on my way home.

After several stops I finally walked off the bus and headed down the street that led to my house. My beautiful light blue house came into view. I walked up the stone steps and opened the door. I stood there frozenas all of our furniture was gone and there was boxes every where.

"Mom! Where are you?" I yelled.

"Up here honey." She said.

I walked up stairs into my room to see that all my furniture was also gone besides my dresser.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We're moving."

"Yeah I got that but why all of a sudden?"

"Well your father got a promotion and his new job is in another city."

"Well why didn't you tell me?"

"We barely just found out this morning, can you help me put your clothes in the box?" She asked.

I bent down and tossed them in there not even caring if it isn't neat.

We finished packing everything that was left in the house and then we loaded it up in the moving trucks. I took one last good look at my house, surprisingly I was going to miss this place. There was so many great memories here. I'm especially going to miss the spectacular view of the moon from my window it looked so close even though it wasn't.

"King I'm sorry that you didn't have time to say goodbye to your friends." My mom said.

She rubbed her hands up and down my arms smiling at me.

"It's okay we were falling out anyways." I lied

She already had enough stress about moving and changing her job to where ever we're moving and I didn't want to add onto her stress. We got in the car and I buckled my seat belt. My dad smiled and squeezed  my hand before we stared driving down the endless roads of the highway. After driving for awhile we passed by the sign that's said.

'Now leaving Willsburg Nevada.'

I put my headphones on and turned on my music. I leaned my head against the window and looked at the tree's as we as we passed by them. Soon enough I found myself closing my eyes and going to sleep.

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