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Requested by: thefruitycousin


To be frank, You were scared of Mei's mother, Ming Lee. She was not a bad mom. Just overprotective. You had done your best to not upset her, mainly by helping Mei with her homework at her house. Whenever you stayed overnight for sleepovers, you helped with setting up the table, washing the dishes, etc.

Thankfully you succeeded in satisfying her, but Ming sees you only as a close friend to Mei; in fact, according to Mei, you were her favorite of Mei's friends. While you were relieved by that, you weren't Mei's friend though. You were her girlfriend.

It sparked out of nowhere. Mei came up to you one day at school and confessed she had a crush on you. Her face was blushing madly and she couldn't even look at you in the eyes, only your shoes. You reciprocated your feeling and said yes. You remember how her face went from shock to excitement before suddenly attacking you with a tight hug.

It was agreed upon between the two of you to not try to make your relationship obvious to Mei's parents. No kisses, hugs, anything lovey-dovey like that. Not even hand-holding.

You loved Mei, but you were tired of it.

"Mei, they're gonna have to find out sooner or later. It's best to let them know now." You tried to calm her down as she hyperventilated.

"I'm not worried about my dad. It's my mom. She already freaked out about my crush on the Devon and to go through all that again with you is so-"

Just then, Mei's door opened and her father, Jin, peaked out.

"Mei. Dinner's ready. We've made some for your friend too." He said softly.

Mei quickly stopped her heavy breathing and faced her father with the most content look she could manage, fixing her glasses.

"We'll come in a minute, dad."

As Jin leaves, Mei grabs your shoulders, gripping them hard.

"I don't think I'm ready (Y/N)."

"We'll just tell them we're dating. Nothing more."

"I know that, but... Argh!"

Mei sunk down, her head touching the floor.

"I'll be the one talking. It'll be okay." you offered. Mei didn't move. "Look, even if they don't approve, we can always find a way to make it work. Sure we have to be really careful, but it's necessary to make sure we're both safe with each other. We can plan it out at school. How about that?"

"Mmmm... okay..." Mei agreed reluctantly. You helped her up from the floor and walked to the dining room.

"Besides, that's all just a backup plan. We'll wait and see what comes at us."
You and Mei sat down in your chairs. Mei plopped rather than sat.

As you dug into your food, you couldn't help but notice Mei was barely eating, taking the teensiest bit of her dumpling and nibbling on it. Her eyes were glued to her plate. Ming touched her daughter's shoulder.

"Mei, is everything already?" Ming asked. Mei flinched.

"M-me?! Oh no, I'm fine! Perfectly okay!"

Ming wasn't convinced and glared over at you scarfing down your meal. You could feel her eyes stare right into your soul.

"Is there something going on between you two, (Y/N)?" She sternly asked. You gulped hard, feeling your throat ache. On one hand, you just want to get all this over with and tell them that you're dating her daughter. On the other hand, you now completely understand Mei's worries.

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