Chapter 9

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"Woah." Andrew pulled the caravan to a halt.

"What's wrong?" Varian peeped his head out the window.  "Why'd we stop?"

Adira and Quirin were standing on the road.

"Oh, no..." Varian whispered.  He opened the door and hopped out.  He wished he had more time to think about things before they met again.  But if he waited until he was prepared, then he could be waiting his whole life.

"Look, I know we just met and that you probably are wryly with strangers, but it is our job to aid you," Adira said.  "If you don't want us traveling with you, that's fine.  But Quirin thought it would be wise to tell you that we'll be following."

"Well, it is weird to be followed and might not make them comfortable if they were not warned," Quirin said to her.  She shrugged.

"Unfortunately, we didn't make room for two more people when we made the caravan," Rapunzel apologized as she stepped up beside Varian.

"That's fair enough.  You weren't expecting us," Adira said.  "We'll be on our way then.  But when you reach the part when we go on a boat, let us know if you want us with you or travel separately."

"Oh, you can come with us on the boat-" Rapunzel began.  She noticed Cassandra shaking her head.  Then she remembered.  "If Varian's ok with that."

He shrugged.  "I don't see why not."

"Then it's settled.  See you then, I guess?"

Adira nodded before she leapt back into the trees.  Quirin looked at Varian.  He opened his mouth as if to speak, but appeared to have changed his mind.  He turned and followed his sister.

Cassandra groaned.  "Why would you say yes?"

"Why not?  If Varian's ok with it, then i think we should give them a chance.  After all, they did come save us," Rapunzel pointed out.

"But we don't know their motives.  Why are they helping us?  What if they just want to steal the moonstone when we get there?"

"That's why we should let them come with us," Rapunzel pointed out.  "We get to know them and if we end up not trusting them, then we have still established some trust in both parties regardless."

"Fine, but I still don't like the idea," Cassandra muttered.

"Sweet, now let's hit the road again," Eugene said, getting back in the caravan.  But he immediately stopped when there was a scream.

"Someone needs help!" Varian ran towards the scream before anyone else had a chance to react.  He found a clearing in the trees where he found a wagon and a woman crying.

"Varian!  You can't just run off like that!  You can't leave the road so suddenly, you could lose it," Cassandra scolded as she pushed branches out of her way.

"Cass, I'm not that careless," Varian frowned at her.  He walked towards the woman, ignoring Cassandra crossing her arms.  "Are you ok?"

"No!  My Vigor!  He has been taken!  Two thieves came in to get their fortune told and then they took my Vigor!" She sobbed.

Varian held his hand out to help her up.  "Do you know which way they went?  We'll see if we can help you."

"Varian-" Cassandra started.

Varian passed her a glare.  "We can't leave without at least trying to help her."

She sighed.  "Fine."

Rapunzel, Eugene and Lance came into the clearing.  "Is everything ok?"

"We're going to track down some thieves to save Vigor," Varian explained.

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