Chapter 10

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Fang Yuan took a key and went out, and told Father Fang and Mother Fang not to open the door casually to save people. After all, if they were injured by zombies, they would be infected. As for them, they had the key when they came back and knew how to open the door. Father Fang and Mother Fang agreed.

After leaving Fang's house, Shen Yu glanced at Fang Yuan with a half-smile.

Use her and Chen Jiajia as excuses.

"Let's collect things separately later." Shen Yu said.

"Ah? Separate?" Fang Yuan was stunned.

Chen Jiajia stretched out her hand, and a stream of water came out: "I am a power user, I can protect Xiaoyu, let's do things separately, we girls are too embarrassed to go and get some things and let you follow me all the time."

Chen Jiajia said It was very suggestive. Fang Yuan reacted immediately, and his face turned red. He whispered, "Then you can go in to get things, we can go in together, it's safer to walk together..."

Lu Xingyue said, "Separate. , will we meet here in an hour?"

"Okay." Shen Yu looked at Lu Xingyue's eyes like ink, and she realized that Lu Xingyue's pupils were rare pure black, to say, why did she feel Lu Xingyue... Did you agree to it on purpose?

Shen Yu suppressed his doubts and went out with Fang Yuan and the others first.

They came out of the community through another door, where there were relatively few zombies. The four of them cleaned up the zombies together before leaving. Fang Yuan looked at the backs of Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia and wondered: "Are all girls so good now?"

He felt that the two girls seemed to be much better than him.

Lu Xingyue glanced at him: "Go collect supplies, train your skills, and protect your uncles and aunts in the future."

"Hey, hey, I see." Fang Yuan was a little frustrated, but suddenly cheered up: "I will definitely protect them. But it would be great if I also had powers, both you and Chen Jiajia have powers..."

Lu Xingyue was noncommittal.

Fang Yuan actually hesitated whether to go to the capital after knowing that Chen Jiajia had supernatural powers, but thinking about his parents, thinking that their family couldn't always rely on Lu Xingyue to protect them, they also went to their relatives. Yuan and Fang's father and mother are dragging down the time?

So thinking about it like this, Fang Yuan regretted letting go of his previous considerations.

It's good to stay here too.

When the disaster is over, they will have time to gather.

——After separating from Lu Xingyue and

the others, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia's speed was also much faster.

Although there are still some zombies on the side of the road, after all, they deliberately chose this door to come out with not a lot of traffic. Besides, the surrounding area was also cleaned by Feng Cheng and his team once, and the number of zombies here is still two people Shen Yu. within the solvable range.

Chen Jiajia and Shen Yu had a tacit understanding and mutual trust, and they did not encounter much problems with their cooperation.

At this time, it must be said that there is also an advantage of the cataclysm happening at noon. Most of the store doors are open, which means that Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia do not need to open the lock.

Very friendly to them.

Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia's physiques have improved, but after all, they have just awakened their abilities. It is impossible to say that this kind of improvement has suddenly appeared to be particularly powerful, so their goal is the nearest small supermarket.

It was a convenience store. There were people in the convenience store at noon. Apart from one clerk, there were three other people who should be customers. They have all turned into zombies. Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia were in the middle of killing zombies. After discussing it for a while: "This is it, there are not many zombies in other shops. We should be able to deal with the four zombies here."

"Okay." Chen Jiajia agreed, and slowly opened the way there.

From the community to the small supermarket, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia killed a total of seven zombies, four of which were killed by Chen Jiajia. Although she lost one of Shen Yu's clothes yesterday, it was effective.

——At least today, the two zombies were killed by her with supernatural powers. She directly controlled the water to enter the zombies' heads, and then mixed them.

There are four zombies in the convenience store. The clerk is behind the cashier and can't get out for a while. There are three other zombies, one at the door and two in the depths of the convenience store. The entire convenience store is rectangular. Reasons not to worry.

At this moment, they rushed in. Chen Jiajia cut off the head of the first zombie first. Shen Yu rushed in and confronted the zombie on the right that was rushing over. He kicked it and fell down, and then the saber stabbed it in the eye. Inside, stir it up. The second zombie was solved, so the third zombie that came over was no exception. Shen Yu didn't stand up in a hurry, swept his legs and tripped over the zombie. Chen Jiajia tacitly waved his knife and beheaded. The zombie at the cashier, Chen Jiajia, went to deal with it. Shen Yu ran through the convenience store without stopping. He quickly touched the items in the store, and everything disappeared, especially the oil and rice in the convenience store. But it didn't pull down at all. There are also a lot of condiments in the convenience store, and Shen Yu is very satisfied. There are also warehouses. Shen Yu used a lot of strength to open the warehouse door. Fortunately, there were no zombies in the warehouse. She collected the contents of the warehouse with nothing left, and ran out quickly. Speaking of which, Shen Yu's speed was already very fast, but there were still zombies surrounding him outside. Chen Jiajia just started digging out the crystal core, and behind him guarded the door and killed the two zombies who ran over first. "Okay?" Chen Jiajia asked when she heard the footsteps of Shen Yu running over. Shen Yu said: "Okay, the next one." Chen Jiajia assessed her physical strength and nodded: "At most one, or I may not be able to resist." "One more is enough." Shen Yu said : "We still have a chance to find things later." "Okay." The two small supermarkets must not be too close, otherwise they will steal each other's business.

But it wouldn't be too far apart. Chen Jiajia and Shen Yu didn't just throw away the zombies, but killed a few more zombies before running.

Nonsense, these zombies follow them, and now they can get rid of them. If there are more and more zombies in the future, is it not them who are in trouble? Might as well fix it first.

The second supermarket is actually only 50 to 60 meters away from the first small supermarket, but if it hadn't been for Hu and the others to have cleaned it up once, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia would never have taken such a risk. After all, it was cleaned up once. Now, there are already five zombies following them.

The five zombies are too close to each other, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia are not going to take the risk and go back to kill, but there are still zombies gathering, if they don't care at all, they will have trouble on their way back.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia looked at each other, and the two rushed to the second small supermarket.

The second small supermarket is slightly larger than the first, but there are not so many zombies in it. There is only one customer besides the clerk, that is, there are only two zombies.

Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia quickly solved it one by one, but the zombies outside also rushed in.

The door of the supermarket is relatively large. Two zombies come in together without any hindrance. It is not impossible for three zombies to squeeze in. Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia have no intention of searching first, and face the zombies directly.

The zombie in the middle was hit by a stream of water, and fell to the ground three seconds later. When it fell, it brought down the zombie on the right. The zombie stumbled down, and the zombie on the left was approaching. , Shen Yu aimed a knife at its wrist, and instantly broke one of its wrists, and then the saber was aimed at the eye socket of the zombie again.

- and then poked crookedly.

After all, Shen Yu hadn't practiced head-pointing in the past, and now it's normal to occasionally be inaccurate. She stabbed the zombie's nose with this knife and cut off half of its nose.

The zombies didn't know the pain, but when they were attacked, they instinctively let out a roar. Shen Yu wasn't affected at all, and immediately waved the knife again.

This time, he poked his eyes.

Over there, Chen Jiajia also solved the second zombie, still using the ability, but that's it.

Her abilities are limited, and she vaguely feels that she can use her abilities at most once now.

As for leaving the last time, it's just in case.

——Chen Jiajia soon after was very fortunate that she had the last chance.

Now Chen Jiajia is just being cautious. Besides, although there are four zombies behind, the zombies are relatively stupid. When they run in, they will trip over the zombies on the ground, making it much easier to kill.

When there is time, Chen Jiajia will learn to poke her eyes with Shen Yu.

No way, the bones on the zombies are still very hard. Although she can forcefully use her strength to behead her head, but her palms are reddened by too much force. Besides, they will definitely encounter zombies when they go back later. She must not. Save a little energy?

The two bullied the zombie stupidly and poked the stumbled zombie in the eye. Only then did Shen Yu repeat the action of the last convenience store and take away everything here.

There is also a small warehouse here. Shen Yu walked to the door of the small warehouse. Just as she was about to open the door, her heart suddenly trembled.

How should I put it, like a sudden intuition came out and told her that if she opened the door, she would encounter terrible things.

Shen Yu paused for a while, wondering if he should push the door open.

"Xiaoyu, how are you?" Chen Jiajia raised her voice a little: "The zombies are coming around again."

"Okay." Shen Yu finally decided to trust his intuition.

After all, the end of the world can come just like her dream, why doesn't she trust her intuition?

Thinking of this, Shen Yu quickly backed away.

"Crack!" There was a sudden knock on the door of the small warehouse.

Shen Yu was startled: "There is someone inside? Who is it?"

But no answer.

Only the knocking on the door was getting faster and faster.

Chen Jiajia also heard Shen Yu's words, she was surprised: "Are there still living people?" Living people


No, not right.

Shen Yu was taken aback.

The strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the door is shaking, but the 'people' inside haven't stopped, as if... they won't open the door.

Will anyone not open the door?

Just after this thought turned, Shen Yu stepped back faster: "Come on!"

"Ah?" Chen Jiajia, who was startled by Shen Yu's rush, wanted to ask, but Shen Yu had already grabbed her and ran out.

"What's wrong?" Chen Jiajia looked blank, completely subconsciously following Shen Yu.

"There seems to be a big guy in there." Shen Yu heard a loud bang, her scalp exploded, and she ran faster.

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