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The Rieda mansion was a south-facing building that received an ample amount of sunlight.

The scenic view from the main large glass window was praised as being the most exceptional among all the local mansions.

Of course, enjoying it was an opportunity that Ronée was given very briefly or rarely. However, on the day of the Countess’ birthday banquet, she was given a chance.

“Don’t you dare come downstairs!” Count Rieda said to her while holding her stepmother’s hand.

The Countess was worried that Ronée would be seen by the precious guests coming to visit her. Before Ronée could even respond, the Countess turned her back and left quickly.

As if she couldn’t stand to share the same space as her for even a second.

The fourth floor of the Rieda mansion was completely vacant and clean. Only the stairs leading down to the lower floors were packed with knights stationed there to prevent her exit.

Except for the occasional servant passing through, it was nothing short of freedom for Ronée.

That day, she fully admired the scenic view from the wide window.

“I heard that other households also admire the view from here,” said Ryne.

Ryne knew how to match her young mistress’ mood. Ronée smiled brightly, her face in full bloom as she to fully enjoyed the sunlight with restraint.

Of course, if she were to show her face at the east hall located in the opposite direction from where she was, where the guests were, she knew the count couple would be enraged.

“They say that there are enormous forests in the western continent. Where the leaves spread out and cover the area like the sea.

When you view it from a high tower, they say the beauty of it all really tugs at your heart strings.”

Ryne occasionally told stories of the West Continent, a place she had never been to herself. At her words, Nabel glanced up at her.

Ronne rolled her eyes.

“The leaves that spread out like the sea…”

She resided far inland, she had never the sea, but she knew that the sea was so vast with no end in sight.

In her head, she tried to imagine a massive forest filled with endless connecting trees, but she struggled to visualize it.

Suddenly a maid appeared with a bucket in hand.

“The master must have ordered you to not come out,” she said with an openly displeased expression.

The maid, who showed up with her bucket, didn’t want to be near the one abandoned by the gods.

But cleaning was her duty, so she had no choice. She loudly set the bucket down in front of Ronée.

Ronne, who inadvertently tried to avoid the bucket, stepped backwards, It was then that she realized that the height of the railing was too low.


In an instant, her body fell backwards over the railing. At that dizzying moment when her steps traversed the air and she felt her body descend, Ronée couldn’t make a sound.

Then an intense bright light glowed within her shadow.

A pair of ears and a bushy tail moved from the edge of her dark shadow.



“My Lady!”

Nabel’s reaction was faster than Ryne’s. He quickly reached out and grabbed Ronée’s arm. Then, Ronne saw something pop out of her shadow behind him.

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