Chapter 52

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Tris now took off after Daphne and made her way through the remaining players managing to not get hit by any bludgers. Fred helped as much as he could with protecting her from the bludgers but he had the rest of the team to worry about as well as hitting the bludgers towards the Slytherin team. They were now down a beater meaning it was all up to Fred. Fred hit the bludgers left and right and managed to knock a few Slytherins off their brooms.

Every chance he got, Derrick knocked a bludger towards Tris but she managed to dodge them each time. George was watching down below, and got furious every time Derrick hit a bludger towards his girlfriend on purpose. She flew right behind Daphne and eventually right beside her. Both seekers were so close to catching the snitch and everyone knew it. The audience in the stands stood up and started cheering for both of the seekers.

"Come on Trista! Catch it!" Tonks cheered to her daughter. At the last second, Tris bumped into Daphne causing her to slightly lose her balance and Tris leaned forward as far as she could and grabbed ahold of the snitch. The crowd cheered for Tris and the rest of the Gryffindor team. "That's the game! Gryffindor wins!" Dumbledore shouted from his seat in the stands.

"No!" Daphne shouted from anger. She was so close to the snitch, how could she let a filthy hybrid catch the snitch that was right in front of her face. Tris held the snitch in her hand high in the air with a huge smile on her face. Her team had just won the first quidditch game of the season. "That's our daughter!" Lupin shouted from the stands. Fred then flew over to her and without knocking her over gave her a huge hug. George was down at the bottom cheering for Trista and was so proud of her.

"That's my girl!" George shouted. Tris looked down at him and mouthed the words 'I love you' and he did it back. Daphne and the rest of the Slytherin team were all angry at the fact they had just lost to the Gryffindors. Daphne and Derrick both locked eyes with each other and then Derrick looked over at Tris. Daphne shook her head in agreeance and knew what Derrick was thinking.

"Players, return back to the ground, and well done!" Dumbledore shouted. All of the players then began to head back down to the field. Tris was putting the golden snitch in her pocket before heading back down, when suddenly Derrick and Daphne flew on either side of her. Once Tris turned her attention back on her surroundings, it was too late. Daphne and Derrick both slammed into both sides of her crushing her in between them.

Derrick crushed her right leg in between his broom and hers and she felt immense pain in her lower leg. She screamed from the pain and everyone then looked up and saw her getting crushed in between Daphne and Derrick. The two Slytherins then flew off in opposite directions causing Tris to get twisted and knocked off of her broom. Just before she hit the ground, Fred flew in and swooped her up just before her body collided with the ground.

She started whimpering in pain as she grabbed her lower leg. Fred managed to land near the ground and Peter and another player helped her down from his broom. "Are you okay?" Peter asked her. "No, my leg. It hurts, bad." she said as she sat on the ground. Tris never cried from pain unless it was extremely painful. She sat on the ground clenching her fists together as tears began streaming down her face. George saw everything that happened and immediately ran straight over to her, along with her friends and parents.

"Tris, are you okay?" George said as he kneeled down behind her and leaned her back in his arms. She sniffled and wiped the tears from her face but didn't say a word. Lupin and Tonks both ran onto the field and over to their daughter. They both asked if she was okay but she still didn't say a word as tears continued rolling down her face. Professors were now surrounded around Tris, along with Madame Pomfrey. She took a look at her leg and knew some internal damage was done. Her leg was purple and blue and was swollen. As Madame Pomfrey was examining her leg more, Tris just leaned back in George arms and tried her best not to scream from pain.

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