She Cheats: Ally

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"C'mon babe! I wanna get another drink." Ally slurred. I laughed. Drunk Ally was really adorable to me; she would do the cutest things.

"Okay chica." I said, wrapping an arm around her waist. She leaned into my touch.

Once I had bought her a drink, we walked back to our table, where all the other drunk girls were. I was a designated driver, so I kept my promise to stay responsible, and not get intoxicated.

"Hey Y/N..." Camila slurred.

"Yeah Mila?" I asked in amusement. It was really funny to watch the girls stay sober, but I knew they've all gotten really drunk. Except for Dinah. Being Dinah's older sister, I made sure she stayed stable enough to walk properly, but intoxicated enough for her to fall over if I pushed her lightly, only because I'm being nice. I mean, there was -actually many times- a point in life where I've gotten drunk underage, but I did some pretty fucked up things. I mean, not that bad, but if you call getting a multiple amount of tattoos and piercing your lip bad, then so be it.

I remember that Mom was ballistic when I got home. Dinah, who was also a little bit intoxicated though it was really really funny. Like, she still makes fun of me for it. That's why I never get as drunk as I was as an 18 year old.

"I-I love you Y/N." Camila blurted out, causing Dinah and I burst into laughter. Camila had a crush on me when we all first met, but I had my eyes on Ally. Camila understood, and said it was a phase. Now, my (friendship) bond with Camila is stronger than anything.

Ally frowned once she heard what Camila said.

"Noooo... Ca-camila, Y/N's mine." Ally slurred, hugging me closely.

"Oops yeah, I'm sorry Allycat." Camila giggled like she was high.

Worth It started playing.

"Eyyyyy!!!" Dinah and Normani yelled out in unison. I laughed. All the girls walked -all of them almost falling over- to the dance floor. Ally pulled me into her embrace.

"Hey babe." I smiled. I was suddenly pulled away by someone, leaving Ally all by herself.

"Babe, is that you?" Some dude asked, looking at me weirdly.

"Um...hey dude, can you please let go of me?" I asked, as politely as I can. The guy looked to me and his eyes widened, and let go of me.

"Sorry," He mumbled. I nodded, and went to go back to Ally. I watched her smiling as she -confused- looked for me, before grabbing onto Dinah. Dinah and I looked alike in many ways, minus the tattoos and piercings.

I watched, my brows furrowed as Ally wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck. Realization hit me and I laughed. Ally leaned in and tried to kiss Dinah, kissing her for about a second, but Dinah moved her face as Camila called her, immediately making Ally kiss Dinah on the cheek. I quickly made my way to the three, laughing.

"O-oh. Wait what? Wh-why are there two Y/N's?" Ally asked, quizzically. "Is that why she tried to kiss me and succeeded but then Walz saved me?" Dinah asked, her voice tipsy. I nodded, giggling. Dinah giggled a bit as well. She put a hand on my shoulder.

"If anyone took a picture of this, Ally will freak and she'll be apologizing all tomorrow." Dinah laughed. I broke into a smile as well.

"I know right," I understood that Ally had no fault in this. She was extremely drunk, and I was pulled away from her. That's one thing the Harmonizers love about me. They seem to notice that I understand everything, and I trust Ally a lot. I understand and agree with almost everything Ally, and the girls, say.

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