PART 49°flashback°

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After he closed the door I looked at Noah with a question look and he looked away and walked to the window where he just looked outside.



It has been a couple of hours since the fight happened.Although it was not even a fight but more like Noah hitting the doctor.

After I've asked him a lot of questions related with what happened,he just said it was nothing to worry about.He also said that he just assumed stuff seeing how we were sitting close to each other.

A part of me tried to understand him but no.I don't believe him at all.The moment I looked at the things he brought for me I just suddenly became interested in that and took his word for it.

Noah just became silent until he left so one cannot say that I was entertained or anything.But thankfully I was less bored.I read the magazines he brought even though I was not really into it.

I tried to ignore this feeling but everytime I tried to focus on the magazine,I just continuously look at the door.I know that I am hoping that Ryder shows up.

I just want to see him and no matter how much I try to push him away and not want to talk to him,at the end of the day he is my mate.And how much my heart crave for him it is something beyond my control.


I closed the magazine and walked to stand by the window.I placed a hand on my tummy and a smile appeared on my face.

Then I heard someone knocking on the door.My heart skipped a beat knowing who that may be.The door opened and Ryder came inside.

And just like Noah he was carrying a few things in two bags.I watched him place them on the bed before he walked up to me.He stood infront of me with his hands in his pocket.

His eyes went to my tummy which my hand was on and then he looked at me.I could feel the tears threatening to come out.

"Come here"he said as he hugged me and I started crying in his arms.

"I'm really sorry"he kept repeating that until I calm down.I don't know how I got to the bed but I was now sitting on it and in Ryder's arms.

"I miss you"I said and he lifted up my face and looked at me.He leaned in slowly until I felt his lips on mine.

I closed my eyes as I welcomed the feeling.He was not kissing me in that deep kiss way but more like teasing.His lips were just brushing on mine and making me angry.

"Ryder"I whispered and I could feel that he is smiling.

"I know"he said as he now kissed me deeply.It felt like it has been years since we have kissed.He slowly and carefully laid me down on my back with him on top of me but with his own hands supporting him since I am now pregnant.

He continued to kiss me and his lips  travelled to my neck on my mark which causes me to moan everytime when he sucked on it.

I closed my eyes because of the amount of pleasure I felt.It did feel good but it felt like it was not enough.
But then I felt his fingers torturously traveling up on my leg until something occurred to me.

"Ryder we are in a hospital"I said as I broke away from the kiss and his hand stopped its movement.

He laughed before answering"I will go lock the door then"

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