Chapter 25

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   After knowing that Shen Yu was very talented in practicing guns, she had an extra gun and a lot of bullets in her hand.

Of course, her bullets can be put in the space, anyway, she won't carry too many things in her hand to consume her physical strength.

At the beginning, Shen Yu was not familiar with guns, but soon she became proficient, and even adjusted herself to a more suitable and comfortable posture to use guns.

Because of the bug-like physique improvement and improved eyesight, Shen Yu can basically shoot directly and continuously after reaching the back.

Her body can stand it, and her eyes are good enough.

In this regard, Captain Xu expressed his envy and jealousy.

This power user is good, if he is also a power user.

"Suck, Captain Xu, why are you on fire?" Fang Yuan was also being instructed by Captain Xu, but their non-power users only had a share of five bullets, so he would only shoot if he was careful.

How could he know that Captain Xu next to him suddenly caught fire, and he almost got burned.

"Ah?" Captain Xu was also confused. When he looked down, his clothes were on fire. He was so excited that he didn't notice that he was not hurt by the fire.

"Zi" - this is Chen Jiajia's help in putting out the fire.

"You should have awakened your ability." Shen Yu looked at Captain Xu, paused, then moved his eyes from his tattered clothes to his face, and said, "Congratulations, Captain Xu."

"Huh?" Xu The captain didn't expect that he was still jealous of people's awakening of supernatural powers, and now he is awakened, he was stunned: "How can I become a supernatural power user?"

Shen Yu: "..."

She looked at Captain Xu dumbfounded With a stunned look, he reminded: "Did you bring clothes? By the way, you can try to control the power first, and don't burn another set of clothes."

Captain Xu: "..." Silently blushed.

However, awakening the ability is a good thing. After the initial embarrassment passed, Captain Xu became excited. He began to learn to control his ability. Fortunately, there are four people who have the ability-except Shen Yu and three others, There is also a member of the army who also has the ability, which is the same wood-type ability as Shen Yu.

With the help of the four power users, he can quickly control his powers smoothly.

Then the two girls, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia, turned to avoid them, and Captain Xu quickly changed his clothes and began to play with small fireballs happily.

After awakening the ability, Captain Xu also tried his own strength.

His physical fitness has also improved, and Shen Yu also ran over to ask him specifically, confirming that his improved physical fitness is almost comparable to hers, and thoughtfully: "It seems that the better the physical fitness at the beginning, the better. , the later promotion will be stronger."

So if people in the army have awakened their abilities, they have an innate advantage.

However, this advantage is also obtained by their efforts.

Actually, that's pretty fair.

The matter of Captain Xu's awakening ability was quickly reported, and the team leader Zhou Ping expressed his happiness.

Although the granary is not too far from S City, after all, the situation is unusual now. It was four or five o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived nearby. Because they didn't know what was going on in the granary, Zhou Ping ordered them to rest nearby for a night. Recuperate well and go to the granary tomorrow.

They brought a lot of food and put them in the space of the space system power user. The place they chose was a small village. There were many zombies in this small village, but no living people were seen. Zhou Ping also explained, here The living people have long been rescued to the safe area, because someone has come to explore the way before.

Taking people away is by the way.

However, I didn't expect that there would be many zombies in the cleaned small village.

There are earthen stoves in this small village. After the destruction of the zombies, the electricity in this small village has long been cut off, but there are earthen stoves, which does not prevent them from cooking.

In their team, there are people who can use soil stoves, and there are delicious cooking. Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia's craftsmanship can only be said to be average, so in the end they helped to fight. Shen Yu gave birth to some cabbage and cucumbers, and Chen Jiajia Be a faucet.

Vegetables are difficult to keep for too long, not to mention that after the end of the world, vegetables are not more popular than those with strong satiety and high calories.

So they haven't eaten vegetables for a long time.

Now seeing the cucumbers and cabbage in Shen Yu's hands, everyone's saliva couldn't help but come out.

Their meal was white rice, stir-fried cucumbers and stir-fried cabbage. They also opened a few cans of meat and fried a bowl of bacon from the farmhouse. Before the end of the world, this dish could only be It is said to be ordinary, but after the end of the world, it is a big meal!

After a meal was extremely satisfying, they also found fruit to eat after the meal.

It was a big watermelon that Shen Yu took out.

Although the watermelon that Shen Yu took out was big enough, after all, there were seventy or eighty people here, and one person would only be divided into one piece, but they were also very satisfied.

Don't say anything else, just say that this time out of this food, they will not lose out!

Zhou Ping knew that Shen Yu had spawned fruit, and Captain Xu had already reported it. The base was also recruiting wood-type abilities to cooperate with the research institute to see if they could spawn crops well.

The half of the watermelon that was sent before was sent directly to the research institute. Now that the watermelon is eaten in one bite, Zhou Ping is happy: "We still have your light, Xiao Shen."

"If there is a way to make ourselves To live better, we still have to think of something, people always have to look forward to it, right?" Shen Yu also smiled.

Zhou Ping nodded: "You're right."

Shen Yu smiled and took out a basket of tomatoes and divided them, which she also gave birth to, but the seeds she got were small tomatoes, which were also called cherry tomatoes. The kind that is just right when the fruit is eaten.

In this regard, Zhou Ping also came to her, saying that this time the fruit she took out was bought at the normal price.

Shen Yu laughed: "No, if Uncle Zhou wants to compensate me, just give me more kinds of seeds in the future."

"Of course, when I go back, I will prepare a copy of the seeds in the base for you." Zhou Ping is very generous.

The two negotiated, so they also had fruits and vegetables to eat the next morning. When they were full, they went to the granary.

The granary was built in a relatively remote place, but it was also guarded.

Zhou Ping's face was serious: "We contacted the granary at the beginning, but we couldn't get in touch later. In fact, we sent a few people to investigate a few days ago, but those people didn't go back. I suspect that the granary appeared. What danger?"

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much. Even if there is danger in the granary, so many of us can solve it." Zhou Ping urged: "It's just that you must protect yourself."

Those who dare to do the task don't care Whether it is an ability person or not, they are all courageous talents, and Zhou Ping certainly does not want them to be here.

"Captain Zhou, rest assured, we will pay attention." Shen Yu nodded, but he was already vigilant in his heart.

The granary is really sparsely populated. Even if there are zombies wandering around, they will only kill a dozen zombies, and then they are facing a steel gate.

Now is the era of peace, most of the granaries do not need to be hidden so that no one can find them. This granary looks like a factory from the outside. The door is very tight, and you can't see the inside.

"I'll open the door." Captain Xu was also one of the people who knew the password.

However, Shen Yu grabbed him and raised her fingers: "Shh, don't talk yet."

Captain Xu: ?

He stared blankly at Shen Yu approaching the door, then turned his ears to listen carefully.

There is no sound.

But Shen Yu had an inexplicable feeling of unease.

This kind of uneasy feeling was also experienced when she encountered the big lizard, so... is there danger in it?

"There should be a problem inside, find a bunker to hide first." Shen Yu's face was solemn.

And Chen Jiajia was a little confused: "Xiaoyu, did you hear something?"

Could it be that her hearing ability is so bad? Shen Yu heard it, but she didn't feel it at all?

"I didn't hear anything." Shen Yu paused and said lightly, "But it is reasonable to say that there is no zombie in here, right?"


No sound is the biggest problem.

Captain Xu obviously also reacted, and his face became solemn: "Is it possible that they killed the zombies and then hid themselves?"

"Then why hid?" Shen Yu asked back.

Captain Xu: "..." That means there is a greater danger that they will not be able to get out.

Thinking of this, Captain Xu's face became even more solemn, and he nodded to Shen Yu: "I see, everyone should hide, especially your space system ability users..."

When he said this, When Captain Xu saw Shen Yu, he choked and asked, "Would you like to... step back?"

"I don't have to." Shen Yu shook his head: "I can protect myself.

" The second-level dual-type ability user can be killed in seconds, and it is useless for her to retreat, and she can't let herself in in her space.

Captain Xu probably also understood what Shen Yu meant. He nodded and saw that everyone else was hiding under Zhou Ping's command, and then he pressed the password cautiously and opened the door.

The heavy iron door was slowly pushed open. Captain Xu held a saber in his hand, and the soldiers behind were still holding guns at the door. However, the door gradually opened, but nothing happened.

There was no movement inside, as if there was no danger.

Shen Yumei's heart skipped a beat, and the sense of crisis that didn't know where it came from was even stronger. She gave Captain Xu a look, and then walked inside first.

It's just that she just entered, and found two more people around her.

It is Lu Xingyue and Chen Jiajia.

Shen Yu: "..."

She smiled silently, and said to Chen Jiajia in a low voice, "Do you remember that time?"

That time?

Relying on the tacit understanding with Shen Yu, Chen Jiajia was stunned for a while and then she reacted with an ugly face: "No way? Isn't that an accident?"

"Do you believe it was just an accident?" Shen Yu said to Chen Jiajia , but his eyes have been scanning around.

Chen Jiajia's face changed and changed, and after a long while, she took a deep breath: "We were all fine that time, and this time it will be the same."

But they have become stronger, and they may become stronger too.

When he was outside, Shen Yu couldn't see anything or hear any sound, but after walking in, Shen Yu could see the corpses of zombies on the ground, one after another fell to the ground, although not all over the factory , but there are also thirty or forty lying on the ground.

These zombies are all dead, Shen Yu has looked carefully, not a single zombie is moving.

This factory looks very ordinary. If it wasn't for Zhou Ping and the others, Shen Yu would never have thought that it was a granary.

When they walked in, it was a large flat land, the size of two basketball courts, and some plants were planted on the flat land, but at this time these plants were all slumped and their leaves were turning yellow.

Except for the zombie corpse, there is nothing wrong here at all.

Shen Yu's fingers moved, and a small vine got into the zombie's brain, but at that moment Shen Yu's face changed: "No! Exit!"

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