-.Maybe not so bad?.-

246 7 24

-Third person pov-

Three kids slept peacefully in a makeshift bed, Tommy had just and finally got the to sleep about three to four hours ago, he himself didn't got much sleep, but now he was up to day two.

He had planned to make a small tour for the kids, maybe take them to the forest or a lake.

They-, honestly were a handful, but Tommy was to strong headed to admit that, so as the morning sun finally shines through the window, he had already been up making a small lunch, that was just cut fruit and juice boxes.

Serving himself a glass of water, he turned around and sigh to himself, "hello" Tommy flinched at the sudden  new voice, glancing down he saw a little girl looking back at him.

"Uh- hey kid, aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Tommy kneeled down.

"No thank you." The little girl shook her head.

"Alright then, want some fruit? Or water? I can give you some juice if you want." Tommy smiled.

"No." She simply said.

Standing up, Tommy looked confused; "well what do you want then?" He asked.

"Out please." Dream pointed at the door that had been locked the previous night.

"It's cold out side, you sure about that?" Tommy asked.

"Out please." She kept pointing at the door.

Not really understanding, Tommy nodded and unlock the door; "we will be out for a couple of minutes, then you'll try to sleep again got it?" Tommy offered.

Not receiving and answer, he let the little girl outside.

Dream smiled, her small dress span around when she did, her little feet danced around the grass and the sun shined softly on her face.

The server, her world seemed to love her, small flowers appeared just were she had just been, the bugs that were around seemed to stop and admire her.

Just as she whispered a small; "good morning" the day got brighter just as it had been blessed.

Two little bees happily flew around her head, leaving small particles of nectar and polled in her hair, he toothy smile was contagious, Tommy couldn't help but smile.

"Alright kid, how about I do your hair?" Tommy asked rapidly grabbing a brush, he had practiced a couple of times with Nikki's and Tubbo's hair.

Dream hesitated nodded and sat on the grass, a soft blanket was thrown at her shoulders; "I have noticed that neither of you three have extra clothes, we might need to look for some later huh?" Tommy smiled sitting cross legged behind the little girl.

"Daddy can get us some!" She smiled; "I don't think Phil will help us-." Tommy undid the messy braid slowly detangling her hair, "Not papa! Daddy can make us clothes! Or mama!" Dream kept insisting.

Tommy was-... confused to say the least, just how many parents did this kid had? How many did she needed?

He shrugged it off and continued to braid the girls hair, her hair was so soft it almost made Tommy scared of touching it, it felt so fragile in his rough hands, the same ones that once he used to blow stuff up and harm others, were now used for such a fragile thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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